Aaron Sumner https://www.aaronsumner.com/ Open source enthusiast/advocate. Engineering Manager: @oreillymedia. Author/blogger: @everydayrails. 159 10 52 68 23 No Language cancan-tmbundle 3 0 Some handy Textmate snippets for CanCan. Lawrence-Coders 2 0 Ruralocity.tmbundle 2 0 Various TextMate snippets alfred-custom-searches 1 0 My custom web searches for AlfredCSS aaronsumner.com 2 0 My personal websitePython speedchart 6 0 Chart your network speed, as reported by speedtest-cli.Ruby everyday_rails_rspec_rails_3_2 42 23 Sample source code for Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec (Rails 3.2.x version) leanpub_analytics 3 0 Simple analytics for Leanpub sales and royalties leanpub-api 2 0 A simple Ruby wrapper for the Leanpub API rockchalknation-static 2 0 Jekyll source for Rock Chalk Nation, static version gemfile-demo 1 0 A quick and direct demo of how Gemfile and Gemfile.lock work together in a Ruby project rails-application-templates 1 0 Little templates to get Rails apps started in a hurry. soundrefound 1 0 Source for Sound Refound website