Home Languages Developers Organizations Search You CSS The color scheme I utilized for this theme in my opinion invokes thoughts of a swamp filled with rotting pumpkins...hence the name. It's my first attempt at an Atom syntax theme and I hope you all like it A UI theme created to accompany the pumpkin-swamp-dark-syntax theme HTML I have started the JavaScript 30 projects in 30 days course and this is my first project. As always I turned it into my own by changing the background picture, some styling and adding my own custom sounds including 808's. Practice Project for teaching Savvy Coders Firebase JavaScript The server side of OwlFuse built in JavaScript, Node.js, Express, Busboy, and Firebase and tested on Postman The client side of OwlFuse built in JavaScript, React.js, Redux, Axios, Dayjs, Material-UI and Firebase. Owull is my Capstone Project for the SavvyCoders Curriculum A Tetris clone using React Hooks with extra elements added Python My boozula project in a python and django version Rust My first ever completely self written Rust program it is a temperature converter that converts the chosen scale to the chosen scale based on temperature in the scale to convert from. TypeScript LaunchCode LC101 Graded Assignment #6 using Angular