Salih Tutun, PhD salihtutun@wustl.eduFaculty at Washington University in St Louis and Co-founder of Cobsmind 12 0 44 21 15 No Language Financing-Machine-Learning 1 0 This is collecting files for explaining RL for financing. leetcode 1 0 Python & JAVA Solutions for LeetcodeJupyter Notebook comprhensive-interview-preparation 13 11 Agent-Based-Modeling-ABM--for-Terrorism 2 0 Understanding the behavior of a terrorist group is a complex phenomenon because of the uncertainty in strategies and tactics used by terrorists. In this regards, an agent-based modeling with network topology is used to model the system composed of interacting agents (attacks) and groups. The terrorist groups’ tactics are modeled based on the success rate of attacks and the defense level of a particular location. The proposed model is validated using real-world data of suicide attacks in Iraq. The model can be used to support governmental counterterrorism policy-making. fraud-detection-gnn 2 2 Deep_Learning_of_Hackers 1 0 Reinforcement-Learning-Notes 1 0 Word-Embedings-and-Similarity-Calculation 0 1 Python resources-management-DeepReinforcementLearning 0 1