Margi Sant MSc student in Data Engineering at Jacobs University 11 0 16 43 13 PHP Automotive-Website 1 0 Full-Stack Web Development work-in-progress for a local Automotive shop using HTML/CSS and Bootstrap.Python NLP-4-SEO-Experiment 17 6 This project experiments with the Google NLP Algorithm to evaluate e-commerce product descriptions from an SEO perspective. ChatGPTBulkQuestions 5 0 A script that takes a list of questions and exports a csv with Questions and Answer from ChatGPT GoogleDiscussionsSerp 4 0 Get Google Discussions and Forums Results from a keyword list Vigenere-Cipher-Encoding 2 0 a cryptography exercise in python for a data security course SerpAPI4PAAs 1 0 Uses Serp Api to get Google PAAs data from a keyword listR Telecommunications-Customer-Attrition-Dashboard 9 7 A dynamic dashboard for a telecommunications company to analyze customer attrition rates according to demographic filters. CrossValidationKNN 1 0 KNN and Cross Validation Example Cross-Validation-Random-Forest 1 0 Using k-Fold Cross Validation to find Optimal number of trees Data-Mining-R-Bremen-Challenge 1 0 Create_data_SD iterates csv files containing sensor data for a movement. It extracts 3 standard deviations for each sensor. Then, combines the train_data and features in sd_training_data.csv to be used to build classification models. Create_Test_SD combines challenge.csv and sd features in the sd_testing_data.csv. Sensor files download on website KNN-Classifier-R-Bremen-Challenge 1 0 Using K Nearest Neighbors in R to classify athletic movements.