Chris Schmich schmch+remove-this-if-youre-not-a-bot@gmail.comCTO and co-founder of @formulateco 322 44 168 5,803 1,276 No Language docker-dnsmasq-arm 5 1 Alpine ARM Docker image for dnsmasq marinara-localization 2 2 Localization for the Marinara Chrome extension albumatic-9000 1 0 bodybuilding 1 0 Notes on bodybuilding and weightlifting learn 1 0 schmich 1 0 eco-gallery 0 1 Horizontal gallery scroll control for Android. instascan-builds 0 3 Latest builds for InstascanC# hearthstone-card-images 64 12 (Archived, see below) Hearthstone card image repository debuggernaut 1 0 Win32 debug output manager. ephemeral 1 0 Fast transparent program launcher. fling-solver 1 0 Visual solver for the popular mobile game Fling. prophet 1 1 NFL matchup predictorGo piriscope 13 4 Livestream to Periscope from the Raspberry Pi armv7hf-alpine-qemu 10 8 Alpine ARM Docker image with QEMU cross-build support sfs 9 1 HTTP Static File Server and Proxy deckstrings 4 0 (Archived, see below) Go library for encoding and decoding Hearthstone deckstrings ward 4 0 Secure password manager destructoid 1 0 Twitch chat bot framework for Go dsh 1 0 Hassle-free Docker container shells hash 1 0 Hash stuff. nexus 1 0 Interactive multi-log aggregation and monitoring panopticon 1 0 Global Twitch chat logging system. withenv 1 0 Runs commands with environment variables merged from multiple sources.HTML 8 0 Magic: the Gathering Arena Promo Codes 1 0 JavaScript instascan 2,984 867 HTML5 QR code scanner using your webcam marinara 2,423 322 Pomodoro® time management assistant for Chrome connect-browser-sync 16 7 Connect middleware for BrowserSync chrome-extension-localization 15 1 Organize and manage localization for your Chrome extension jisonify 6 0 A Browserify transform for Jison parsers. litepoll 6 0 Polls, polls everywhere. chrome-extension-alerts 4 0 Get email notifications for user feedback on your Chrome extension dankbot 4 3 Hanging out at nazgul 3 0 Nazgul the Viewbot Slayer crypto-address-visualizer 2 0 Compare copy-pasted crypto addresses visually across services with images and checksums. hearthstone-card-explorer 2 0 Hearthstone Card Explorer extension for Chrome peerjs-server 2 0 Server for PeerJS copypasta 1 0 Next-level copypasta text tools. destructoid-js 1 0 Twitch chat bot framework flow 1 0 Residential water flow monitoring. node-sse 1 0 Server-sent events for Node. radio-free-chrome 1 0 superdash 1 0 Supervisor web dashboard. TRUE 1 0 FALSE interpreter in JavaScript.PHP pp-php 2 0 PHP port of Ruby's pretty printerPowerShell Windows-Lock-Mute 1 0 Automatically mute Windows when you lock your workstation.Python scrapy-redis 1 0 Redis-based components for scrapy that allows distributed crawling sublime 1 0 Portable version of Sublime with my personal settings.Ruby spicy-proton 102 23 Generate a random English adjective-noun word pair in Ruby kappa 33 8 The Twitch Ruby API unfollowerbot 7 1 Track Twitch follows & unfollows runx 5 2 Cross-platform, zero-install, Ruby-based task runner rdb 4 0 Browser-based cross-platform Ruby 2.x debugger. win32-window 4 0 Ruby interface to the Win32 window management APIs. fsws 3 0 Ruby file system web server. Replaced by hearthstone-deckstrings 2 1 (Archived, see below) Ruby library for encoding and decoding Hearthstone deckstrings vagrant-publish 2 0 Command-line tool for quickly creating and publishing Vagrant base boxes. andex 1 0 Android APK resource extractor built on top of aapt. childprocess 1 0 Cross-platform ruby library for managing child processes. dots 1 0 nightwatch 1 0 scry 1 0 Track Twitch global stream stats. tome 1 0 (Archived) Password manager with a humane command-line interface. Succeeded by yodel 1 0 YouTube audio download. citier 0 1 CITIER (Class Inheritance & Table Inheritance Embeddings for Rails) is a solution for simple Multiple Class Inheritance in Rails. rails_sql_views 0 1 Rails SQL Views project extracted from ActiveWarehouseShell purify 9 1 Lightweight DNS-based adblocker Docker image wallpapers 9 2 Bing, Spotlight, and Chromecast Wallpapers github-archive 1 1 Create a self-contained .tar.gz archive of all your GitHub repos.VHDL g9impulse 2 1 Automatically exported from vim-guifont 0 1 Pathogen port of Alexander Anderson's guifont++