Michael T Schmidt http://schmidmt.com schmidmt@gmail.com 53 14 37 15 13 C Spins 2 0 Ising model renormalization codeC++ tesseract-node-bindings 0 1 Node bindings for TesseractJava SpringSecurityDemo 2 5 Demo code for Spring Security for LaunchCode CodeCampJupyter Notebook lc101-hacker 1 3 Advanced LaunchCode 101 Problems lc101-presentations 0 1 Presentations for LC101 lc_presentations 0 1 Python cryptography_demo 2 2 Examples of encryption for LaunchCodeRust rmcmc 4 0 An Markov Chain Monte Carlo system for Rust. ipwatch 1 0 Restart an application when an ip address changes using Linux netlink socketsShell shunit2 1 0 Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/shunit2TeX Physicae-Mathematica 2 0 A rigorous formulation of mathematics and physics.