Spencer Schneidenbach http://schneids.net spencer@avironsoftware.comWeb developer, Microsoft MVP, speaker 190 6 29 271 96 No Language CSharpExpressionTreesInTheRealWorld 11 3 Slides plus links for my talk, C# Expression Trees in the Real World TypeScript-Cookbook 6 4 Several TypeScript recipes that showcase the awesome power of TypeScript!C# AutoMapper.Attributes 75 16 A convenient way to create AutoMapper type mappings using attributes. RecessOpinionatedApiInAspNetCore 38 9 An opinionated API architecture for ASP.NET Core EntityFramework.Metadata 25 4 Get table metadata for your Entity Framework entities. AspNetPagingExample 22 12 An example project that demonstrates an easy-to-implement paging model using ASP.NET and Entity Framework. building-apis-with-csharp-and-aspnet-core-exercises 17 16 Moq.EntityFramework 7 1 Mock your Entity Framework contexts with ease minimal-apis-using-asp.net-core 5 0 AspNetCoreOneDayWorkshop 3 1 background-tasks-in-.net-core 3 0 aspnetcore-workshop 2 1 ASP.NET Core UndefinableOfT 2 0 NuGet package for deserializing JSON's undefined correctly AspNetCoreMaintainableApiWorkshopDayTwo 1 0 CSS OpinionatedMaintainableRestAPIsWithAspNetCore 5 2 Slides + links for my presentation, An Opinionated, Maintainable REST API Architecture for ASP.NET Core ImmutableDataStructuresInCSharpAndDotNet 4 0 Repo for my talk, Immutable Data Structures in C# and .NET TypeScriptTypeSystem 2 0 Slides + links for my presentation, Deconstructing TypeScript's Type System VersioningAndMaintainingYourRestApiInAspNetCore 2 0 Versioning and Maintaining Your REST API in ASP.NET CoreJavaScript Xamarin-Forms-and-SignalR-Example 36 20 react-workshop 2 2 A step-by-step workshop for learning React fundamentals.Python ChatGPT 1 0 Reverse engineered ChatGPT APITypeScript Angular2-AspNetCore-TypeScript-Workshop 2 5 Supporting files for the Angular 2, ASP.NET Core and TypeScript workshop.