Zach Schneider zach@schneider.devEngineering @stripe. Ruby, Rails, React±Native. 126 16 110 666 171 C++ CircuitSimulator 11 2 An event-driven circuit simulator, written in C++ and designed to print to terminal output.CSS responsive-tables 0 1 Tables that work responsively on small devices. r-twentyonepilots 0 1 A css theme for /r/twentyonepilotsCoffeeScript action-cable-react 51 35 Use Rails 5 ActionCable channels with React for realtime magic. actioncable-modules 11 2 Fork of ActionCable client patched for proper module support react-coffee-and-friends 3 1 A highly opinionated starter kit for a standalone React frontend. SimpleCraft 2 0 Toy version of Minecraft written in three.js for SIU CS485 Computer Graphics, Spring 2015. action-cable-react-example-coffee 1 0 Example client application for action-cable-react - with 100% more CoffeeScriptElixir socializer 289 43 A basic social media application to demonstrate Elixir + Phoenix + GraphQL + React + ApolloJavaScript react-autolink-text 10 8 A React component for converting URLs in a given string of text into clicking link tags. react-bootstrap-maskedinput 7 10 react-maskedinput form element that works with react-bootstrap 5 3 is a centralized repository for parliamentary, policy, and Lincoln-Douglas debate videos. coffee-import 2 0 Transpile ES6 imports in CoffeeScript files. coffee-relay 2 0 Handle Relay.QL fragments in CoffeeScript. nginx-fancyindex-console 2 0 Old-school console theme for Nginx fancyindex. react-testing 2 0 Examples of various approaches and libraries for testing React applications. Written for a July 2019 talk at the Cleveland React meetup. action-cable-react-example-client 1 1 Example client application for action-cable-react coffee-import-loader 1 0 Webpack loader to transpile ES6 imports in CoffeeScript files lerna-rollup-watch 1 0 Reproduction example for using lerna + rollup -w react-testing-library-talk 1 0 Examples of various testing patterns with React Testing Library. 1 0 Personal website and blog gridster.js 0 1 gridster.js is a jQuery plugin that makes building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns jquery.fileDownload 0 1 jQuery File Download is a cross server platform compatible jQuery plugin that allows for an Ajax-like file download experience that isn’t normally possible using the web. jTree 0 1 a jquery file tree plugin storybook-error-demo 0 1 Demo reproduction of Storybook error TextAreaExpander 0 1 zurbfoundation5-multiselect 0 1 multiselect plugin for zurb foundation 5Python cap_rails 1 0 Execute Capistrano deployments and tasks for Rails projects within Sublime Text.Ruby 136 26 Git Reports is a free service that lets you set up a stable URL for anonymous users to submit bugs and other Issues to your GitHub repositories. eqn 36 2 A gem to evaluate mathematical equations. RedditPoster 5 2 A Reddit bot to make scheduled subreddit posts, implemented in Ruby. rspec-blog-example 5 1 Rails blog application to show example code for my series on writing tests in rspec fluxxor-rails 3 2 Fluxxor is a set of Flux architecture tools for React. This gem makes it available for the Rails asset pipeline. action-cable-react-example-server 2 1 Example server application for action-cable-react ruby-2.6-functional-examples 1 0 skyjo 1 1 Web version of the Skyjo card game chef-multicorn 0 1 Chef cookbook to install the Multicorn Postgres extension exception_canary 0 2 A mountable, configurable Rails engine to notify you only of new or important exceptions in your application.TypeScript sitemap-webpack-plugin 73 20 Webpack plugin to generate a sitemap.