Nick Semenkovich Human Wrangler (Dad⁴) & Physician Scientist (MD, PhD), via @mit ➤ Brigham and Women's ➤ WashU ➤ MCW 88 11 48 56 24 C mirna-scanner 3 1 Nagarajan miRNA ProjectCSS wedding-website 0 1 The Skebba/Semenkovich wedding site.JavaScript chrome-force-pdf-inline 8 4 A Chrome extension to force PDFs to render inline (overrides Content-Disposition: attachment). chrome-limit-history-lifetime 8 0 Persistent history entries are annoying. This Chrome extension limits history entries to a user-adjustable value. chrome-status-monitor-for-google-wifi 8 3 A Chrome Extension to monitor Google Wifi (or OnHub) status. chrome-limit-cookie-lifetime 6 2 Persistent cookies are annoying. This Chrome extension limits cookie lifetime to a user-adjustable value. washu-library-proxy-chrome-extension 5 6 A Chrome extension to rewrite journal URLs to WashU Library Proxies. microbialomics 0 1 Visualize the 93-genome collection ("100 genomes") and programmatically retrieve gene calls & other info.Perl skype-polycom-config 1 2 A standard Skype for Business / Cloud PBX configuration for Polycom phones. crass-rpkm 0 1 A fork of Bas Dutilh's crAss project, with RPKM support.PowerShell aldine-powershell-computer-config 5 0 Intune-deployed Powershell configuration for Azure Active Directory-joined machines with OneDrive folder redirection.Python serpent-methylation-pipeline 5 2 An efficient, documented, reproducible Snakemake methylation analysis pipeline for BS-seq and EM-seq samples, including cfDNA. sts-risk-calculator-cli 4 0 A Python command line tool to query the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) Adult Cardiac Risk Calculator API with bulk patient records. freezepop 3 0 A quick tool to: freeze a Flask app, minify content, and push to an AWS S3 bucket. rickoid-bulk-emailer 0 1 Send bulk, custom e-mails via gmail with a .csv mailing list.