Samuel Holloway A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry. 10 29 23 12 0 Apex sf_selenium_community_example 1 0 Example repo of hitting a Lightning Community with JMeter and Selenium.JavaScript graph-cockpit 2 0 An Electron based fat client for working with graphs. cells 1 0 A Javascript module for simulating Conway's Game of Life in a browser." WebGL 1 0 A sketch pad for prototyping GLSL ideas using WebGLPython agents-playground 4 0 Ruby Color-DB 1 0 A port of the NodeBox color library to database Jitterbug 1 0 Ruby + Objective-C multipass offline/online renderer for rapid 2d/3d sketch creation.Scala graph-engine 1 0 A marriage of Websockets, embedded Neo4J, Scala and Akka Streams...