Spencer King MSc Student at WUSTL | Qiskit Advocate at IBM 7 0 59 14 5 Ada william-whitakers-WORDS 1 0 A fork of William Whitaker's WORDS program, originally hosted at archives.nd.eduC acme2k 1 0 Personal fork of acme2k mio 1 0 A tiny text editor with no dependencies inspired by nano and kilo.Crystal mastodon.cr 3 4 A fork of decors' now defunct mastodon.cr library colors 1 0 A Crystal String class extension for printing colored text to a CLI.Emacs Lisp gregorian-mode 1 0 Julia Qiskit.jl 1 0 A Julia wrapper around IBM's Qiskit Python libraryJupyter Notebook QiskitSummerJam-LocalSequenceAlignment 2 1 An implementation of the algorithm described in "Quantum Pattern Recognition for Local Sequence Alignment" for the Qiskit 2020 Summer JamShell epub2txt 1 0 Outputs the content of an epub as a txt file scripts 1 0 Collection of (mostly) POSIX sh scriptsVim script vim-kit 1 0 A vim plugin for the Kit programming language