Steven Stallion sstallion@gmail.comHardware and Systems Engineering at PlayStation. Conductor of electrons. Former kernel and firmware engineer. Son of Lake Charles, LA. 24 5 40 158 24 No Language PCB-PiDP11IOExpander 6 0 16-Bit TTL compatible I/O expander for the PiDP-11 and Raspberry PiC go-hid 63 11 An idiomatic Go interface to HIDAPI, a simple library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devices pidp11 5 2 PiDP-11 I/O Expander Software usb-eeprom 4 3 28Cxxx EEPROM ProgrammerGo go-eeprom 2 0 A idiomatic Go interface to USB EEPROM programmers go-smclcd 1 0 go-tools 0 1 Tools and Utility Packages for GoPython vimwiki-cli 18 3 Vimwiki Command-Line Interface sensorpush-api 0 1 SensorPush Public API for PythonRich Text Format PCBA-PiDP11IOExpander 2 0 16-Bit TTL compatible I/O expander for the PiDP-11 and Raspberry PiShell vimwiki-skel 23 0 Skeleton for seeding new Vimwiki instances dynamic_motd 7 1 Dynamic messages of the day on FreeBSD 13.0 or laterVim Script dotfiles 3 0 Configuration Files vim-cursorline 2 0 Vim plugin that displays the cursor line for the active window onlyVim script vim-wtf 14 1 A variable contrast color scheme for terminal lovers vim-whitespace 6 1 Vim plugin that finds and corrects common whitespace errors lightline-wtf 1 0 A variable contrast color scheme for lightline lovers vim-wildignore 1 0 Vim plugin that reads suffix and wildignore patterns from a file