Steven Borrelli 74 16 128 419 43 No Language bluesky-tech-starter-packs 376 23 A list of tech-related Bluesky starter packs consul-template-rpm 5 3 Spec file and sources needed to package consul-template mesos-docker-builders 2 0 spinnaker-crossplane 2 1 Demonstration of Spinnaker and Universal Crossplane helm-charts 1 0 Test Helm charts universal-crossplane 1 0 Enterprise-grade @crossplane from @upbound platform-ref-aws 0 1 AWS Reference Platform for Kubernetes + Data Services for use as a starting point in to build, run, and operate your own internal cloud platform and offer a self-service console and API to your internal teams.Go function-conditional-patch-and-transform 4 1 Fork of Crossplane's function-patch-and-transform to support conditionals function-unit-test 4 0 Crossplane Function to unit test your compositions function-add-k8s-labels-annotations 3 1 Function to Add Labels and annotations crossplane-migrator-archived 1 1 Migrates Crossplane manifests to newer APIs function-tag-manager 1 0 A Crossplane Function to Add or Ignore tagsHCL azure-tf-modules 9 9 Terraform Azure ModulesPython unofficial-google-trends-api 1 0 Python-based API that uses the http site to download Google Trends dataRuby 2 0 blogShell composition-testing 3 0 Examples for Testing Crossplane Compositions trystack-scripts 3 1 Scripts to create a small cluster on uxp-training 0 2 Training labsTypeScript function-node 1 0 A Crossplane Function build with Nodejs and Typescript