Tom Bremer 31 91 77 99 18 No Language firewatch-theme-light-vscode 2 0 kombucha 1 0 nextjs-examples 1 0 postgres 1 0 PostgreSQL driver for Deno preact 1 0 ⚛️ Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM. razer-macos 1 0 Color effects manager for Razer peripherals and laptops on MacOS Catalina (10.15) and Big Sur (11.0) recipe-instapot-butter-chicken 1 0 recipes-cereal-milk-ice-cream 1 0 CSS simple-grid 3 2 SCSS Fluid Grid system compliant down to IE8. 2 0 file types as a service 💻🆒HTML factorio-island 1 0 megadesk 1 0 Open-source IKEA Bekant controller board momopeds-archive 1 0 sourdough 1 0 1 0 JavaScript babel-plugin-jsx-to-object 11 2 postcss-atrule-bem 11 3 CSS At Rules for writing semantic BEM components. hyper-prefers-color-scheme 7 2 Giraffe 6 0 2 1 character-sheet 2 0 px-rem-tooltip-atom 2 0 PXRem tooltip for Atom IDE sass-get-dependents 2 1 A way to track what files depend on your SASS/SCSS partials verboser 2 1 Simple verbose console logger for node projects. attrExtend 1 0 A simple plugin that extends jQuery attribute modification similar to *Class functions 1 0 Holding Pen for CrookedSpaces website. gosling 1 0 Gosling is a simple es6 node server, similar to express. gsq 1 0 Getting Started Quickly. live-guide 1 0 Generate a living styleguide based from your stylesheets. npx-local-cli-issue 1 0 rfwj 1 0 Webpack, React, Flow, Jest webauthn-nextjs 1 0 common-classes 0 1 Common javascript classes for anyone! sass-color-json 0 1 Converts SASS color variables to a json file.Lua nvim-auto-dark 1 0 Python px-rem-tooltip-sublime 2 2 PX and REM tooltips for Sublime TextReason adventofcode 3 0 Rust resume-yaml 3 0 resume writer from structured yamlShell LEMN 7 1 Linux, nginx, Mysql and nodejs.TypeScript preact-deno-types-error 3 1 Reproducing the JSX IntrinsicElements error in preact with Deno interpreter-book-typescript 1 0 proj-270 1 0 ts-plugin-css-modules-kebab-error 1 0 tswrj 1 0 typescript, webpack, react, jest vscode-path-settings 1 0 VSCode extension to enable settings on specific paths.Vim Script dotfiles 3 0 dot dot dash