Benjamin Jordan Hands-on, full-stack, tech leader. Founder @spyre-io. Former VPE @N3TWORK, CTO @big-run-studios, CTO @enklu, Studio Tech Director @NCSOFT. 36 5 55 48 5 ActionScript FacebookMobile-actionscript-api 4 0 A place to put some of my fixes/changes to the official Facebook-actionscript-api ( This only includes FacebookMobile stuff, and is only meant to be something I can point to. ProxyGroup 1 0 A utility class in AS3 that allows you to use getter/setter syntax on a collection of objects, the changes propagating to each member of the group.C# UnityInEnglish 4 0 If Unity used proper English. RealtimeClouds 3 0 Realtime clouds on the GPU. GeometryProvider 2 1 Simple primitive generation in Unity. jint 2 0 Javascript Interpreter for .NET, ported to Unity. Unitijection 2 0 For working with Ninject in Unity3d. http-o-tron 1 0 A basic HTTP server with CORS + multipart support.HaXe HaXe-SOSTrace 3 0 A trace target for the SOS xml socket server compatible with haxe.Log. Einstein 2 0 A relativistic physics simulator. Hi-ReS-Stats 1 1 Added *working* haXe implementation.JavaScript EasyTerrain 4 0 Generates a 2D height map. Cross sections can be taken for 2D games, or the entire map may be used for 3D games. boX 3 0 A WebGL 2D graphics engine. parcycle 3 0 Optimized fork of parcycle using approximations to trig functions and inlining of some static function calls. csci-5030 2 1 Principle of Software Development PStem 2 0 A Javascript implementation of Porter's stemming algorithm. Galactic-Vengence 1 0 A scorched earth style multiplayer game in java and javascript. Itsy 1 0 A tiny particle library written in JS. nk 1 0 Experimental no-knowledge server. 1 0 It's... just a metronome. csci-starter-threejs 0 2 Python story 5 0 Story: A natural language processing research project.