Tim Holy http://holylab.wustl.edu tim.holy@gmail.comNeuroscientist and developer of the Julia language and its packages, including many developer tools and those of the @JuliaImages organization 1,359 93 160 4,034 574 No Language Parsers.jl 2 0 fast parsing machinery for basic types in Julia CovarianceEstimation.jl 1 0 Lightweight robust covariance estimation in Julia julialang.github.com 1 1 Julia Project Web Site MacroTools.jl 1 0 A man has written a package. A package has no name. MolecularGraph.jl 1 0 Graph-based molecule modeling toolkit for cheminformatics StartHere.jl 0 1 A place for Julia beginners to startHTML FastAnonymous.jl 30 5 Fast "anonymous functions" for JuliaJulia Revise.jl 1,230 111 Automatically update function definitions in a running Julia session ProgressMeter.jl 718 91 Progress meter for long-running computations ProfileView.jl 360 39 Visualization of Julia profiling data SnoopCompile.jl 317 48 Provide insights about latency (TTFX) for Julia packages Rebugger.jl 172 18 An expression-level debugger for Julia with a provocative command-line (REPL) user interface CodeTracking.jl 135 10 It's editing-time, do you know where your methods are? MethodAnalysis.jl 96 4 Utilities to analyze Julia's method tables FlameGraphs.jl 51 13 Analysis of profiling data using trees QuadDIRECT.jl 51 7 Global optimization without derivatives Cpp.jl 47 13 Utilities for calling C++ from Julia Grid.jl 47 26 Interpolation and related operations on grids PkgCacheInspector.jl 40 6 Inspect the contents of Julia package cache files PositiveFactorizations.jl 38 12 Positive-definite "approximations" to matrices ComputationalResources.jl 34 5 Julia package for selecting hardware, libraries, and algorithms for a computation DebuggingUtilities.jl 26 3 Simple utilities for debugging julia code Ratios.jl 23 13 Faster Rational-like types for Julia AffineTransforms.jl 20 6 Computational geometry with affine transformations ArrayIteration.jl 20 4 Testing new ideas for array iteration PkgImages.jl 19 0 Prototypes for next-generation package caches in Julia Cartesian.jl 18 5 Fast multidimensional algorithms IProfile.jl 18 15 Profilers for Julia MzXML.jl 17 6 Load mass spectrometry mzXML files BasicBlockRewriter.jl 15 0 Code-regrouping to reduce latency in Julia code compilation JuliaCon2022_Precompilation 15 1 Presentation for JuliaCon 2022 on precompilation AggregateBy.jl 11 0 Aggregate collections by keys ANTsRegistration.jl 11 8 Convenience wrapper for image registration using the Advanced Normalization Tools AxisAlgorithms.jl 11 5 Efficient filtering and linear algebra routines for multidimensional arrays MultilevelCoordinateSearch.jl 11 2 Global optimization without derivatives MzPlots.jl 10 1 Plotting utilities for mass spectrometry data ScheduleMeetings.jl 9 0 CallGraphs.jl 8 2 Analysis of source callgraphs for julia HalideCall.jl 8 3 Use shared libraries created by Halide from Julia HeaderREPLs.jl 7 2 Custom interactive REPL prompts that convey status RestrictProlong.jl 7 3 Efficient multigrid operators for Julia CoordinateSplittingPTrees.jl 6 1 Accurate and efficient full-degree multidimensional polynomial interpolation KernelTools.jl 6 2 Fast kernel/stencil operations in Julia MzCore.jl 6 1 Traits and low-level utilities for mass spectrometry NamedAxesArrays.jl 5 1 Performant arrays where each axis can be named SymbolicLP.jl 5 2 Symbolic linear programming and linear constraints ThickNumbers.jl 5 0 Abstract type and utility functions for numbers that also act like sets/intervals Units.jl 5 8 Infrastructure for handling physical units for the Julia programming language VTK.jl 5 1 Proof of concept VTK bindings for the Julia language IRCodeInterpreter.jl 3 0 A toy demonstration of interpreter speed for JuliaCon 2024 Layout.jl 3 2 Graphics layout management for Julia TypeTreesIO.jl 3 0 ArrayViewsAPL.jl 2 1 Generic array-view type with APL indexing semantics AdmissionSuite.jl 1 0 Planning, managing, and analyzing offers of admission AssignGroups.jl 1 0 Assign students to collaborative groups HemirealFactorizations.jl 1 2 Matrix factorizations over the hemireals HemirealNumbers.jl 1 2 Implementation of hemireal arithmetic for Julia ImagineFormat.jl 1 8 Read .imagine files in Julia LinAlgHeaders.jl 1 1 Wrap headers for julia's linear algebra dependencies MacroExpandJL.jl 1 2 Save the result of macro-expanded functions to Julia files OptimizeQCQP.jl 1 2 Pure-julia quadratically-constrained quadratic programming solvers SaferIntegers.jl 1 0 These integer types use checked arithmetic, otherwise they are as system types. SentinelArrays.jl 1 0 Array types that can use sentinel values of the element type for special values ZMQancient.jl 1 3 An archival version of ZMQ.jl for julia_matlab BunchKaufmanUtils.jl 0 2 Pseudoinverse from a Bunch-Kaufman factorization CameraUnits.jl 0 2 Registry of gain conversions for scientific cameras Dummy.jl 0 1 Testing repo SpatiallyFilteredViews.jl 0 1 Memory-efficient spatial filtering of image time slices VariationalOnlineStats.jl 0 2 Online estimate of the median by variational/Bayesian methodsJupyter Notebook AdvancedScientificComputing 307 38 A short course on Julia and open-source software development IntroToJuliaWashU 6 0 A Jupyter notebook giving an overview of the Julia programming language