Tony Pitale 135 101 47 1,225 170 CSS watch_later 2 0 Simple page to pull instapaper bookmarks from a folder into youtube embeds on a single page.Elixir coap_ex 18 2 CoAP Server/Client with support for Phoenix legato-ex 16 4 Google Analytics API v4 in Elixir convoy 6 0 Elixir library to handle common Kinesis behaviors staccato-ex 5 3 Google Analytics Collection API in Elixir staccato-proxy-elixir 1 0 Elixir version of staccato-proxyHTML 2 0 Personal WebsiteMakefile advocate-provision 0 1 Docker Compose/Swarm Provisioning for Advocate & Advocate BridgeRuby legato 399 47 Google Analytics Reporting API Client for Ruby staccato 388 43 Ruby library to perform server-side tracking into the official Google Analytics Measurement Protocol mail_room 197 51 Forward mail from gmail IMAP to a callback URL or job worker, simply. mongolytics 80 3 DO NOT USE! Use MongoDB and it's speed to do basic analytics tracking in Rails simplest_view 41 1 SimplestView gives us the power to split Rails Views out from our Templates staccato-rails 26 5 Seamless Rails integration with Staccato tryruby 12 2 A gem REPL version of constant_cache 10 7 Cache Constants tremolo 10 0 InfluxDB UDP Tracker built on Celluloid::IO telemetry-ruby 3 0 Telemetry for ruby Analytics-Pusher 2 0 Push analytics forward to next page rendered, helpers for UJS virtual pageview/event tracking with jQuery net-simple 2 0 Simple wrapper around net-ssh and net-scp form_bridge 1 0 Simple gem bridging form submissions to JSON information_schema 1 0 DataMapper Classes to Access information_schema.* in PostgreSQL 8.3 rc10-code-samples 1 0 Code Samples staccato-proxy 1 0 Proxy UDP to Google Analytics Collection API tremolo-rails 1 0 Seamless Rails integration with Tremolo helper 0 1 Helper is a bot built to be helpful.