Travis Horn travis@travishorn.comData Scientist & Web Developer 78 10 208 837 259 HTML jquery-headerPersist 5 1 Locks a header to the top of the page only when user is scrolling within it's parent container. jquery-tabsLite 4 2 A lighter version of jQuery UI's tabs. For when you just need simple tab functionality and don't need to include the entire jQuery UI library. jquery-rowClick 3 2 Expands the clickable area to an entire table row if that row contains a link. es6-features-by-example 1 0 ECMAScript 6, also known as ECMAScript 2015, is the upcoming version of the ECMAScript standard. This standard is targeting ratification in June 2015. ES6 is a significant update to the language, and the first update to the language since ES5 was standardized in 2009. Implementation of these features in major JavaScript engines is underway now. torrentsearch 0 2 Search public torrent sites.Haskell plutus-pioneer-program 0 1 JavaScript fake-identity 417 33 Generate random identity objects including name, address, etc. This may be useful if you are trying to fill your application with random personal data. jquery-sessionTimeout 52 71 After a set amount of time, a dialog is shown to the user with the option to either log out now, or stay connected. If log out now is selected, the page is redirected to a logout URL. If stay connected is selected, a keep-alive URL is requested through AJAX. If no options is selected after another set amount of time, the page is automatically redirected to a timeout URL. npm-package-store 43 6 A web app that displays updates for your globally installed NPM modules. session-timeout 41 20 Warn users when their session is about to expire. Dependency-free. csval 34 6 Check CSV files against a set of validation rules. jquery-filterList 24 5 Uses an input box to filter an unordered list in real-time. qs 21 6 Access the browser's query string as a JavaScript object. No dependencies. node-desktop-notifications 14 5 Send webkit desktop notifications through Node using web sockets. jquery-chromeContext 12 2 Create Chrome-styled context menus (right-click menus) for any element. express-contacts-crud 11 6 A contacts manager using Bookshelf.js koa-sqlite-jwt-server 9 4 An API server with JWT-authenticated routes. Uses Koa and Knex. fieldbook-proxy-example 6 1 A simple example for setting up a proxy for securing your API key. airtable-blog 4 0 A blog using Airtable as the datastore. parallaxBG 4 1 Scrolls the `body` background image slower than the other content, creating a parallax effect. connect-lowdb 2 1 lowdb session store for Connect ethtray 2 2 Display current ETH-USD market price in the system tray. imgClicked 2 1 A JavaScript function that will return the image located at the specified coordinates, taking into consideration z-index and transparency. rename-jfif-to-jpg 2 0 Recursively rename .jfif files to .jpg coinprices 1 0 count-substring 1 0 A function to return the number of instances of a string within another string. diceware-js 1 0 Cryptographically-secure electronic implementation of the Diceware Passphrase method in JavaScript. Fireflies 1 0 A simulation of fireflies (lighting bugs) floating and lighting up in the night. This animation uses `<canvas>` and `requestAnimationFrame`. You can set various options in `fireflies.js`. Look for the "constant" variables (ALL_CAPS). jquery-tabletotal 1 2 Automatically add total row and/or total column to table. libsql-migrate 1 0 Database migration and seed management for libsql with configurable options. partiibot 1 9 Simple Telegram bot vue-sqlite-auth-monorepo 1 0 Backend Express server and frontend Vue client for user registration and authentication. yts 1 0 Node.js promise-based library for interacting with the YTS YIFY movies API. eslint-prettier-boilerplate 0 6 Starter repository for a JS project using Prettier formatting. finance 0 1 A JavaScript library of common financial functions to be used in time value of money calculations. Node-Authentication-Demo 0 1 Web app showcasing authentication using Node, Express, MongoDB for the database and session storage, and bcrypt for password hashes. npp-template 0 1 A quick way to set up a JAM stack site or app. Uses Netlify, Parcel, and Prettier. react-image-snipper 0 1 us-car-data-json 0 1 Svelte ollapa 4 0 An Ollama client built with Svelte 5 and SvelteKit. Chat completely local and client-side with a friendly interface! heroicons-svelte 2 0 Beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, by the makers of Tailwind CSS, packaged for Svelte.TypeScript authjs-knexjs-adapter 10 0 An adapter for Auth.js/NextAuth.js to allow you to connect to any database service via Knex.js.Vue vue-online-store-demo 56 36 An online store and shopping cart demo written with Vue.js photo-gallery 24 10 Grid-based photo gallery with lightbox using Vue. diabetes-food-database 13 11 Food information for people with diabetes. vue-sparkline-component 4 1 Basic sparkline component for Vue.js using D3.js. See how this component was built step-by-step: unicon 1 0 A fork of Iconscout's Unicons. 1000+ Pixel-perfect vector icons and Iconfont for your next project. These icons are designed by Iconscout. web-epub-reader 1 1 Web-based book reader supporting .epub files