Tychele Turner http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8246-6477 tycheleturner@gmail.comPhD Human Genetics & Molecular Biology 25 2 17 33 10 No Language illumina_exome 1 0 illumina_genomes 1 0 lab_meeting_bingo 1 0 Documents needed to create lab meeting bingo pacbio 1 0 Dockerfile tnt_dockers 1 0 Python CLUMP 3 2 CLUstering by Mutation Position miscellaneous 1 0 pubmed_abstract_counter 1 0 Script to count number of abtracts for given query scholar.py 1 0 A parser for Google Scholar, written in PythonR ElGenomaPequeno 7 1 El genoma pequeño - analysis workflow for "the little genome." This repository holds a computational workflow to analyze the mitochondrial genome. plot-protein 6 3 Plot Protein: Visualization of Mutations plot-protein-with-conservation 4 3 Plot Protein: Visualization of Mutations with Conservation annotate_protein_domains 1 0 Using bedtools to annotate protein domains exome_class 1 1 Codes for exome sequencing class being taught by Tychele N. Turner, Ph.D. genome_class 1 0 Codes for genome sequencing class being taught by Tychele N. Turner, Ph.D. illumina_arrays 1 0 primer_design 1 0