Walker Bikes. GIS. Making cities work. 66 9 89 97 44 No Language text-behavior 3 0 yahoo-geocoding-component 3 0 A cakePHP component for utilizing the yahoo geocoding service. brown-paper-tickets 2 0 A Wordpress plugin for on-site BPT ticket purchasing. wlk_placemaker 1 1 A plugin for Textpattern that submits content for location analyzation to Yahoo's Placemaker. CSS bicycle-and-pedestrian-crashes 2 1 Mapping bicycle and pedestrian crashes.JavaScript viralheat-sentiment 7 2 ViralHeat module for Node.js email-list-operations 4 0 You work in politics (or advertising). You're always passing around CRM-ish CSVs. This library is for you. helmsman 3 1 A navigation module for Expression Engine. viralheat 2 0 A node module for accessing the Viralheat service. adobe-swatch-exchange 1 0 Encode/decode color palettes in Adobe's .ase format msgme 1 1 A node module for accessing the MsgMe service. node-twilio 1 0 A Twilio helper library for node node-url-shortener 1 0 URL Shortener using NodeJS and Redis or MongoDB.Objective-C phonegap.prompt_to_open_with 1 0 PHP incutio-php-http-client 17 16 This repository supports the continued development of the long moribund Incutio PHP HTTP Client Class. (Though this one is now fairly moribund, as well.) html5-boilerplate-for-wordpress 11 1 The HTML5 Boilerplate adapted into a WordPress template, including Bruce Lawson's HTML5 blog markup. This is walker trying to take Steve Heffernan's work further. campaign-monitor-post-api-component 6 0 A component for cakePHP allowing for use of the available POST methods from the Campaign Monitor API. highrise-component 5 1 vimeo-component 3 0 A Vimeo API component for CakePHP filemaker-datasource 2 1 A datasource that lets you use FileMaker as your (read-only) DB for your cakePHP application. jazz-jobs 2 0 Formerly Resumator bing-search-datasource 1 0 A Bing Search datasource for cakePHP. braintree_php_examples 1 0 examples of integrating with braintree using php RandomString 1 0 RandomString Plugin for cakephp. It generates random string. twilio 1 0 This is a cakePHP plugin for utilizing the Twilio API. Right now, the REST portion is incomplete and it has only been tested with Twilio voice services. wlk_defensio 1 2 A plugin for Textpattern that analyzes submitted comments using Defensio. wlk_flem 1 2 A flash embed plugin for Textpattern wlk_helpful 1 2 A plugin for rating articles within a Textpattern-powered site. wlk_mp 1 2 A "magazine photo" layout plugin for Textpattern. wlk_phsb 1 1 This is a Textpattern plugin that enables pubsubhubbub support for built-in feeds. wlk_popular 1 2 A Textpattern plugin for voting articles up/down & then displaying top/bottom articles. wlk_qt 1 1 A plugin to enable more configurable quicktime embedding in Textpattern wlk_rsscloud 1 1 A plugin for Textpattern that enables RSSCloud notifications. wlk_sphereit 1 1 A plugin to automatically integrate "Sphere" embedded widget & search in your Textpattern-powered site. ngp-forms 0 1 Python leftronic 1 0 Ruby e164 1 0 Tools for working with phone numbers in the e164 format. homebrew-geokeg 0 1 Keg for GIS recipes for homebrew.TypeScript cityworks 4 3 Cityworks API wrapper