Will Donnelly http://willdonnelly.net/ wgd@willdonnelly.netGeneralist SWE, Electrical Engineer, and Embedded Developer. 37 4 26 249 88 C pirate-swd 89 43 An implementation of the SWD protocol using the Bus Pirate bashbuild 3 0 A minimalist build system implemented entirely in its configure file. shsel 1 0 runtime selection of unix shellsGo passwd 21 13 A Go parser for the /etc/passwd file dirhash 2 0 A simple extension of SHA-256 to operate on directories people 2 0 Very basic Go library for generating fake data: names, usernames, emails, passwords, addresses, etc...Haskell dyre 93 20 A Dynamic Reconfiguration Library for Haskell Programs xdg-basedir 12 11 A Straightforward Implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specification brians-brain 6 0 A Haskell implementation of the Brian's Brain cellular automaton io-storage 5 1 A Program-Global Key-Value Store Inside the IO Monad uWeb 3 0 A Haskell Web Application Microframework autotype 1 0 Basic Autotype Functionality hconf-example 1 0 A basic example of a dynamically reconfigurable Haskell program using HConf hsPass 1 0 A simple console-based password manager in Haskell pastel 1 0 A composable image generation library for Haskell simple-dialog 1 0 Simple Dialog Windows in HaskellPython geiger-chart 1 0 A quick script I hacked up to plot the CPM of the Sparkfun Geiger Counter. I don't own one so I don't know how well it works.Scheme ucl-environment 1 0 bindings to the libc getenv/setenv/unsetenv functions through ucl-ffi ucl-ffi 1 0 a foreign function interface which works on multiple scheme implementations ucl-filesystem 1 0 additional filesystem interaction beyond what R6RS provides ucl-install 1 0 an install tool for the (defunct) UCL packaging system ucl-prelude 1 0 utility functions for the (defunct) UCL portability libraries ucl-process 1 0 basic subprocess launching and manipulation