William/Kerbo 13 7 125 29 16 No Language arma2serverinfo 1 1 A C program to get info from a DayZ server via UDPC uptime 2 1 uptime for Windows (cygwin) dayzOfflinePersistent 1 1 C# ZabbixTray 8 9 ZabbixTray is a small Windows application that monitors the triggers of a Zabbix server. FarmSimBackupManager 3 0 USBSharp 2 0 JoystickButtonTest 1 0 Windows joystick button test that supports more than 32 buttons JoystickInterface 1 1 A modified version of http://www.codeproject.com/KB/directx/joystick.aspx SimConnectPanel 0 1 C++ iMailbox 1 0 GAP g-code 0 1 Go steamserverinfo 6 0 steamserverlist 1 0 PHP DayZAdmin 2 1 DayZAdmin