wschroeder 6 2 27 15 4 No Language knowledge-base 1 0 Notes, thoughts, stuffClojure clj_screeps 1 0 Demonstration of ClojureScript for ScreepsElixir elixir-debug-demo 1 0 Demo for remote debugging in Elixir elixir_number_guess 1 0 Playing around with Elixir, OTP, and tooling by implementing the Number Guess gameHaskell haskell-SlidingPuzzle 2 1 This is a console version of the Sliding Puzzle game. Just a toy.JavaScript Fern 2 1 XML tree creator using a functional DSL mgi-apps-work-test 1 1 Perl App-Prove-Plugin-Cluster 1 1 Supports distribution of tests across a cluster, such as LSF (perl) dbix-objectmapper 1 0 An implementation of the Data Mapper pattern (object-relational mapper). git-sync-world 1 0 Sync the world to this git checkoutShell elixir-start 3 0 An opinionated script and set of templates for creating a new Elixir project with a Docker development environment