Adam Koewler xadamxk@gmail.comI make and break things. 49 7 47 196 54 No Language hf-legacy-assets 3 0 :art: A repository of legacy hf assets.C# USB-Rubber-Ducky-App 92 30 :hatching_chick: Windows GUI for USB Rubber Ducky MasterLock-Combo-Cracker-Script 4 0 :closed_lock_with_key: Cracks MasterLock Padlocks using 3 values. FakeProgressBars 3 0 :hourglass_flowing_sand: Creates custom fake progress bars. LeagueStats 1 0 :video_game: Get live summoner stats (League of Legends) Puzzle-Solutions 1 0 :jigsaw: Solutions to various online puzzles.C++ HFX-Mobile-Native 0 1 :iphone: Mobile Application for HF.JavaScript HFX2.0 38 7 :toolbox: Native-web extension that adds over 50 features to HFX 6 5 :hammer: Enhance your HF experience! ThreadDesignGenerator 4 1 :computer: Thread designer for MyBB forums cookiecutter-magic-mirror-module 3 1 :cookie: CookieCutter template for generating MagicMirror modules. HF-Userscripts 3 1 :page_with_curl: List of my own HF userscripts MMM-LOLESPORTS-SCHEDULES 3 1 :date: Display LOL Esports league schedules on your magic mirror! hf-api-specification 1 2 :page_with_curl: OpenAPI Specification for HF API HF-Blackjack 1 1 :clubs: Basic strategy table implementation for blackjack on HF hf-breakout 1 0 :space_invader: HTML5 Canvas Breakout Game with Custom Level Generator HFGS 1 1 :black_joker: Various tools for gaming on HF! MMM-LOLESPORTS-STANDINGS 1 0 :1st_place_medal: Display LOL Esports league standings on your magic mirror! Tiger-XPress-2019-HackAThon 1 0 :tiger: UAB/BBVA competition to display bus routes (team1) Userscripts 1 0 :open_book: Userscripts for various websites lolesports-js-sdk 0 1 :notebook: Javascript sdk for the unofficial lolesports api.TypeScript LCU-Enhancement-Suite 24 2 :video_game: Enhancement suite for the League of Legends Client vscode-OpenGitRepository 2 0 :globe_with_meridians: Open remote git repository links in your browser (GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab, SourceForge, and more!) blync-node-ts 1 0 :rotating_light: Embrava Blynclight NodeJS SDK (with TypeScript Support). vscode-PruneStaleBranches 1 0 :deciduous_tree: Easily prune stale git branches in your project