kenny 38 26 43 34 7 JavaScript fourblock 3 0 tetris jquery-ujs 1 0 js_tdd 1 0 rvm-site 1 0 RVM website and documentationRuby rails 3 0 Ruby on Rails webrat 3 1 Webrat - Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications active_scaffold 2 0 active_scaffold_demo 2 1 The demo application for active scaffold actsaswizard 2 0 A Rails plugin to make creating a wizard easy and with a lot less code render_component 2 0 Components allow you to call other actions for their rendered response while executing another action action_mailer_tls 1 1 Gmail and ActionMailer acts_as_solr 1 1 This plugin adds full text search capabilities and many other nifty features from Apache‘s Solr to any Rails model. I'm currently rearranging the test suite to include a real unit test suite, and adding a few features I need myself. authlogic_example 1 1 An example rails app using the Authlogic authentication library capybara 1 0 webrat alternative which aims to support all browser simulators ci_reporter 1 0 CI::Reporter is an add-on to Test::Unit and RSpec that allows you to generate XML reports of your test and/or spec runs. devise_ldap_authenticatable 1 0 Devise Module for LDAP dynamic_selects 1 0 example of dynamic selects using active scaffold mongoid-rspec 1 0 RSpec matchers and macros for Mongoid rspec_question 1 0 rspec-rails 1 0 Rspec-2 for Rails-3 ruby.ruble 1 1 Ruby bundle for RadRails 3 tasty_demo 1 0 a demo of something tasty valim 1 1 Adds Valimisms to your rubyVimL janus 1 0 A MacVim Distro