1904labs https://1904labs.com opensource@1904labs.comStartup Minds. Innovative Solutions. 3 0 51 260 269 Dockerfile superset 1 0 Development Environment for Superset/Jupyter interactionHTML code-challenges-env-check 0 1 A set of sample projects mimicing the structure and requirements of our technical challenges for interviewee useJava AWS-ElasticSearch-Spring-Boot-Starter-Project 8 2 A sample project showing how to integrate the AWS managed version of ElasticSearch into a Java SpringBoot project de-hours-with-experts 6 138 Data Engineering Hours With Experts Coding Challenge nifi-json-to-attributes-bundle 1 0 nifi-standardize-date-bundle 1 1 NiFi processor to standardize date fields in a FlowFile.JavaScript dom-to-image-more 230 66 Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas docker-ol-kit 1 1 ol-kit docker image flask-react-base 1 0 Flask application with react frontend mindmaps 0 2 A repository for sharing mindmaps compatible with freemind tool. Jupyter Notebook Getting-Started-with-Deep-Learning 2 1 Getting Started with Deep LearningKotlin android-utils 0 1 A collection of Android utility librariesPython geostack-farm-app 5 2 example-airflow 2 5 Repo to demonstrate basic CI/CD of airflow dags to Google Cloud Compose docker-twitter-streamer 0 1 Scala streaming-data-pipeline 1 47 Project as a part of the Hours with Experts - Data Engineering course. SparkScalaStarter 0 1 TeX taocp 1 0 Study Group for The Art of Computer Programming