ArchitectNow kvgros@architectnow.netArchitectNow is a software product development firm based in St. Louis, MO. 2 0 42 94 49 No Language tool-list 10 5 Global-Azure-Bootcamp-2019 2 3 Information on lab pre-requisites for the 2019 Global Azure Bootcamp event in St. Louis on April 27th. posh-gitflow 1 0 Presentations 1 0 GlobalAzureBootcamp2018 0 1 C# ArchitectNow.ApiStarter 36 16 Sample ASP.NET Core 2 API Setup used by ArchitectNow for corresponding workshop presentations ArchitectNow.Framework 4 3 MimeTypeMap 2 1 Provides a huge dictionary of file extensions to mime types. ng2-demo 2 1 ng2 Demo Project used in ArchitectNow presentations TypeScript.Demo 2 1 AutoMapper.Autofac 1 0 gamejam2020-virtualmeltdown 1 0 The game Virtual Meltdown created as part of the Global Game Jam 2020. TypeScripter 1 0 A class library for generating TypeScript definition files from .NET assemblies ArchitectNow.Boilerplate.Angular2 0 2 This repo contains a boilerplate Angular2 project used by ArchitectNow to kickstart specific client projects. This code is also used in various presentations and demonstrations.CSS DevUp_SeverlessApi_Angular6 3 1 Dockerfile Docker-PuppeteerSharp 7 0 TypeScript cli 7 0 ArchitectNow CLI cypress-testrail-reporter 4 3 Cypress TestRail Reporter working with Test Plans ArchitectNow.Jumpstart.ModernWeb 3 5 ArchitectNow.Jumpstart.ModernWeb ArchitectNow.BeerRecipes 2 6 This repository contains the Beer Recipes sample project used by ArchitectNow for workshops teaching Angular and TypeScript ArchitectNow.DevUp16.WebDevPrecompiler 2 0 This project is was used during the Advanced Web Development Pre-Compiler at the 2016 DevUpConf in St. Louis, MO. HoorayBeer 2 1 Example Angular 2 + CLI App - Brew Pub and Restaurant Rating angular-configuration-poc 1 0 Angular Configuration POC