Research Computing Group cubap@slu.eduat Saint Louis University 5 0 89 59 37 HTML TPEN3 2 0 3.0 Release of the transcription tool from the Center for Digital Humanities deer-LR 1 2 A tool for gathering community driven data for the Lived Religion project at Saint Louis University. The app uses DEER to power various data gathering interfaces. inbox-docs 1 0 Documentation for Rerum Inbox Newberry-French-paleography 1 1 Static pages for the Newberry French Renaissance Paleography project deep-codex 0 1 describe, reorder, assemble books page by page sounding-salon 0 1 Experiencing Victorian Salons TPEN-interfaces 0 1 Vanilla default and internally useful interfaces for the TPEN ecosystem that exemplify how you might build your own interfaces for specific projects.Java rerum_server 7 2 Java web service for a RERUM compliant digital object repository inbox 4 0 Rerum Inbox for Linked Data Notifications in IIIF TPEN28 3 2 Split front/back ends from each other TinyThings 2 2 Tiny web app with bits for connecting to RERUM SpectralRTI_Toolkit 1 0 Process Spectral RTI Images in ImageJ RERUM-Geolocator 0 1 A small application to create GeoJSON-LD Web Annotations. It saves the Annotations to RERUM as linked open data.JavaScript rerum 9 3 Open and free repository for linked open data. navplace-viewer 8 1 deer 3 0 Data Entry and Exhibition for Rerum Newberry-Italian-paleography 2 0 Sounding-Tennyson 2 4 Exploring the sound of Tennyson's poetry (CC BY SA) DigiSig 1 2 DigiSig is a new resource for the study of sigillography, particularly medieval seals from the British Isles. It aims to foster sigillographic research by linking and matching sigillographic datasets and making that information available geolocator 1 2 Rerum Geolocation tool for open Internet resources glossing 1 0 Public interface for viewing gloss information. Designed for medieval glosses of Matthew. glossing-entries 1 2 Descriptions of new glosses and manuscripts, a data entry interface leafletPlayground 1 1 leafletPlayground LRDA-Users 1 0 manifestTest 1 0 A IIIF manifest test page mirador_twig 1 1 Custom version of Mirador maintained by SLU for various projects. Contains custom code for image manipulation, non-IIIF images, TOC support and non-drawn annotation support. REform 1 0 A tool for creating/manipulating a table of contents style structure to a IIIF manifest's canvases. rerum-cloud 1 1 GCS RERUM rerum_server_nodejs 1 1 TPEN-services 1 0 Services required by TPEN interfaces in order to interact with data Glossing-Matthew 0 2 The work of this test case will serve as a necessary foundation for completing a DH edition of the glosses on the Gospel of Matthew Glossing-Users 0 1 rerum-playground 0 1 A web-based set of tools for interacting with the objects that may exist in RERUM and all over the Internet. TinyNode 0 1 TinyThings in NodeJSTypeScript Gallery-of-Glosses 1 1 Create a system of well-defined references to historical commentaries and their content.