Contegix LLC 4 0 105 15 16 No Language ansible-role-ius-repo 2 2 Ansible Script to install the IUS Community Project repository ansible-role-jenkins 2 0 Ansible Role - Jenkins CI. ansible-role-git 1 0 ansible-role-mysql 1 0 ansible role for mysql docker4drupal8onvagrant 1 0 Docker container for drupal 8 on vagrant rpm-ejabberd 0 1 JavaScript cloudykangaroo 2 0 Service Provider Management w/Sensu, Puppet and Ubersmith cloudy-ubersmith 0 2 Ubersmith Module for NodeJS node-contegix-logger 0 2 Useful wrapper for WinstonJinja splunkforwarder-formula 0 1 Splunk Forwarder Salt Formula cascade-cli 3 1 Command line tool for git deployments rabbitcasa 1 0 Archives RabbitMQ entries into CassandraRuby concerto 1 0 Concerto Digital Signage System omnibus-puppet 1 2 Contegix build environment for the Puppet configuration management utilities omnibus-ruby 0 1 Easily create full-stack installers for your project across a variety of platforms. omnibus-sensu 0 2 Contegix build environment for the Sensu monitoring framework. puppet-omnibus 0 1 Omnibus package of Puppet with an embedded Ruby and required gems (Chef-style) sensu-community-plugins 0 1 Sensu community plugins & handlers, sharing is good.