Holy Lab http://holylab.wustl.edu holy@wustl.eduNone 20 0 54 125 35 No Language FastScanningAndDPI 1 0 Directory of code for OCPI fast scanning / DPI publicationC++ Imagine 1 1 A graphical interface for recording with OCPI microscopes.Julia HolyLabRegistry 17 4 Julia package registry for the Holy lab at Washington University in St. Louis RegisterQD.jl 14 6 Image registration with the QuadDIRECT optimization algorithm FlyThroughPaths.jl 11 1 Create "fly-throughs" in 3d visualization BlockRegistration.jl 7 1 Deformable image registration via shift-alignment of blocks GPCRAnalysis.jl 7 1 Routines for analysis of protein structures RegisterDeformation.jl 7 4 Representation of spatial deformations ClusteringBenchmarks.jl 5 0 Data sets and metrics to evaluate clustering algorithms GaussianRandomVariables.jl 5 0 Math (second-order accuracy) with random variables CachedArrays.jl 4 1 Arrays that cache elements in leading dimensions FastScanning.jl 4 0 Determine camera/laser timing during fast OCPI acquisitions based on measured hardware responses. ImagineHardware.jl 4 0 Access hardware information for essential microscope components used in OCPI microscopes: piezo positioners, amplifiers, cameras, etc ZWarpedArrays.jl 4 0 An image array type for which each 2D slice can (lazily) undergo a different affine coordinate transformation NMFMerge.jl 3 0 Merging components in nonnegative matrix factorization RegisterMismatch.jl 3 3 This package is separated from BlockRegistraton. RegisterOptimize.jl 3 1 This package is separated from BlockRegistraton. ExtractPSF.jl 2 0 Find point emitters in images and extract point spread functions GsvdInitialization.jl 2 0 Discovery of "missing" directions in nonnegative matrix factorization ImagineInterface.jl 2 2 Read and write Imagine analog and digital recordings and commands InterleavedImages.jl 2 0 Lazy interleaving of images (arrays) along a chosen dimension RFFT.jl 2 1 In-place real FFTs for Julia BlockRegistrationScheduler.jl 1 0 Multi-core image registration scheduler CachedInterpolations.jl 1 0 CachedInterpolations implements a performance enhancement for quadratic interpolation of a large multidimensional array. This package is separated from BlockRegistration Diffusion.jl 1 0 Simulations of diffusion on the disc with boundary conditons EconomicChoice.jl 1 0 Utilities for analyzing neuroeconomic choice experiments EcoTrialStructure.jl 1 0 Data import for experiments on neuroeconomic decision-making ImageInterpLast.jl 1 0 Lazy interpolation of images along the last dimension (usually time) Imagine.jl 1 1 Work-in-progress translation of Imagine to Julia ImaginePlots.jl 1 0 Plotting of Imagine's hardware signals (complements ImagineInterface) ImagineProcedures.jl 1 0 Link preparation with analysis of Imagine recordings RegisterCore.jl 1 3 Image registration (low-level types and utilities) RegisterPenalty.jl 1 1 This package is separated from BlockRegistraton. RegisterWorkerApertures.jl 1 0 This package is separated from BlockRegistratonScheduler. RegisterWorkerShell.jl 1 0 This package is separated from BlockRegistratonScheduler. StitchDPI.jl 1 0 Align and stitch pairs of images acquired with a split field of view WarpedImageSeries.jl 1 0 Lazy warping of a series (usually timeseries) of images ImagineWorker.jl 0 1 Worker thread module for the (WIP) Julia version of Imagine RegisterFit.jl 0 1 RegisterFit contains a number of functions that calculate affine transformations that minimize mismatch. This package is separated from BlockRegistraton RegisterMismatchCuda.jl 0 2 This package is separated from BlockRegistraton.