LaunchCoderGirl 1 0 32 71 356 No Language CoderGirl-General-Info-2017 1 1 The information hub for the CoderGirl Winter 2017 Cohort the-art-of-command-line 1 1 Master the command line, in one page web_dev_2_instructions 1 0 web_group_cohort 1 6 Your guide to learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript with CoderGirl cohort_orientation-2015 0 8 Let's make awesome projects together! web_group_project_2 0 22 CSS iOS-Learning-Track 2 1 Curriculum site for the iOS learning track. Csharp-learning-track 1 2 Curriculum site for the C# learning track Data-Analysis-Learning-Track 0 1 Curriculum site for the Data Analysis learning track. Data-Science-Learning-Track 0 2 Java-Learning-Track 0 2 Curriculum site for the Java learning track. UX-Learning-Track 0 1 Curriculum site for the UX learning track.HTML 1 1 web_group_project_1 1 71 Kat's Costume Shop Mobile Friendly Website git_branching_activity 0 7 to practice git branching and collaboration git_cheat_sheet 0 34 an in-class group challenge to practice HTML/CSS two_truths_lie 0 23 web_dev_es6 0 1 web_group_project_0 0 28 Scaffold for a personal websiteJava DemoJavaServlet 1 4 Tutorial app to introduce project creation using servlets and jsp java_projects_bookshelf 1 0 edu-java-jsp 0 1 Sample stub app for learners practicing with Java web apps using servlets and jspsJavaScript javascript-koans 2 33 Koans to learn Javascript trello_react_project 1 19 project challenges to help you practice React cat_lady_scale 0 18 a javascript and jquery test living-room-app 0 1 Jupyter Notebook Data-Science-Assignments 54 67 Repository for the Data Science learning track to host assignments.Python Front-End-Web-Dev-Learning-Track 3 0 SQLPL SQL-Materials 0 1 Repo for SQL supplementary materials