Lew Lab https://lewlab.wustl.edu/ mdlew@wustl.eduThe Lew Lab at Washington University in St. Louis 8 0 11 9 1 MATLAB Deep-SMOLM 5 1 Deep-SMOLM is an estimator for estimating 3D orientation and 2D position of dipole-like emitters for single-molecule orientation localization microscopy. RoSE-O 3 0 RoSE-O (Robust Statistical Estimation algorithm for single-molecule Orientation measurement) is a software package written in MATLAB to analyze single-molecule orientation & localization microscopy (SMLM) data. RoSE-O_POLCAM 1 0 RoSE-O adapted for SMOLM using polarization camera. Can also be modified to work with other single-channel imaging systems.