Lupus Metallum contact@nickadams.guruPlace for friends and the community to collaborate via code 0 0 16 3 16 HCL terraform-aws-cloudfront-security-headers 2 2 Terraform module to create a Lambda@Edge function to add best practice security headers and support HSTS preload requirements. terraform-aws-cloudfront-lambda-redirect 1 0 Redirect domain to another url with a 301 or 302 redirect terraform-aws-acm 0 1 Used to create a DNS verified ACM certificate by R53 Zone name terraform-aws-amazon-managed-prometheus-for-eks 0 2 A Terraform Module to create/manage a Amazon Managed Prometheus Workspace, IAM role and Prometheus relay in a designated EKS Cluster. terraform-aws-cloudfront-add-index 0 1 Appends index.html to requests that don’t include a file name or extension in the URL terraform-aws-codebuild-project 0 1 Used to deploy code build projects with all required/optional configuration terraform-aws-dnssec-kms 0 1 A Terraform module to create a KMS key for use with Route53 DNSSEC. terraform-aws-r53-zone 0 1 TF Module for creating a R53 zone with DNSSEC, optional GitHub verified domain/org, Protonmail support, dmarc and mx records and Amazon CAA record support. terraform-aws-rds-schema-and-user 0 1 TF module to create a Schema on RDS Aurora and generate random username and password and write to a secret. terraform-aws-replicated-s3-bucket 0 1 Terraform module to create 2 S3 buckets in a replicated fashion, compliant with logging, versioning and encryption at rest. terraform-aws-route53-health-check 0 1 This Terraform module creates a Route53 Health Check and if desired a CloudWatch alarm. terraform-aws-s3-static-website 0 2 Used to publish static website files to an S3 bucket with proper MIME type based on lookup using the file extension. terraform-aws-ses 0 1 Used to create a fully compliant SES domain terraform-aws-sqs 0 1 Flexible Terraform module to create an SQS queue with optional dead-letter queue and Cloudwatch monitoring for dead-letter letter messages