Maritz 1 0 50 56 18 C# sauce-labs-orientation 0 1 Sauce Labs orientation overview with Polymer and Selenium code examplesHTML mtz-wizard 9 0 All of the elements required to implement a stepper controlled series of forms that support lazy-loading steps upon activation as well as validation and bulk submission tasks. mtz-marked-editor 4 1 Extends a textarea that can be controlled by UI elements for inserting markdown mtz-update-password 4 1 An element for validating a password matches all requirements before updating. mtz-ajax-interceptor 2 1 A group of elements to support intercepting ajax requests for injecting headers or handling responses globally. mtz-file-download-behavior 2 1 A behavior for downloading streamed files or creating files based on available data. codemirror-imports 1 0 HTML Imports for CodeMirror hc-tree-view 1 0 A flat data-structure based tree-view, designed for render efficiency moment-imports 1 0 Moment.js HTML Imports mtz-app-knowledge-center 1 0 Application containing detailed introductions to various concepts for dev on-boarding. mtz-sweet-alert 1 2 A Polymer 1.x wrapper for SweetAlert2 exmg-ckeditor 0 1 Paper style ckeditor input file-saver-import 0 1 FileSaver.js HTML Import wysiwyg-e 0 1 A what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor created with PolymerJavaScript chameleon 27 7 Chameleon Web Components - A collection of lightweight, unidirectional, framework-agnostic elements based on the Chameleon Design System browserslist-config-maritz 1 0 Maritz's Browserlist Config xstate-workshop 0 1 Code references for learning xstateTypeScript koa-ms 2 0 POC for extraction into koa ms generation template