Open STL info@openstl.orgThis group is for champions, advocates, innovators, and practitioners of open data and open government in the Saint Louis region. 9 0 68 87 81 No Language stl-datasets 12 5 Various interesting datasets that needed a place to live codeacross2015 4 0 repo & wiki for Code Across 2015 brigade-docs 3 0 Organizing documentation for OpenSTL. Fork it and propose your own ideas StrategicPlan2015 2 0 Ideas for OpenDataSTL in 2015! Goals, outcomes, etc. alderman-vote-tracker 1 1 Board of Alderman Vote Tracker for City of St. Louis event-ideas 1 0 A list of OpenDataSTL events, by month HSDS-ETL 1 3 localgroups 1 0 An annotated map of local OpenStreetMap user groups minecraft-stlouis 1 0 Project to create St Louis City and County as a Minecraft World globalhack5 0 1 Links to repositories, tools and ideas from GlobalHack5 municipal-courts-research 0 1 Data & research related to municipal courts in STL - how can civic tech help move us toward a more community focused justice system? VRMS 0 1 Volunteer Relationship Management System: This is an ambitious project to create a system that will help us measure our human capital development, reduce repetitive tasks and processes, and improve outcomes.C# stl-tax-auctions 1 0 Software to smooth the Land Tax Sales processCSS momoney 3 6 DEPRECATED: Provides public awareness of how your municipality's budget spending compares to other municipalities' spending in St. Louis wofw 2 4 Who's on First Ward build4stl-jekyll-site 1 3 Build for STL event series 0 3 Hack Homelessness Weekend!HTML arch2park 3 0 Data sets gathered by Washington University OpenDataDay2020 0 3 template repo for OpenDataDayJava STLCourts-api 2 2 Your STL Courts - Primary Web ServicesJavaScript VacantSearch 8 12 Search for vacant houses in St. Louis backyard-chickens 5 5 Better communicate chicken regulations by municipality to the people of Saint Louis and Saint Louis County based on local municipality zoning regulations STLCourts-client 2 1 Your STL Courts - Web Application affordable-apartments 1 1 find affordable housing units using web scraping. bootleaf 1 1 Template for building simple and elegant web mapping applications with Bootstrap and Leaflet openstl 1 2 A lightweight, backend-free open data portal, powered by pane_map 1 0 a start on creating a mapping app in React peoples-budgeting 1 0 SCIRA-Hackathon-Project 1 0 Project created by the OpenSTL team at the HACKS AND THE CITY: A SMARTER SAFER CITY HACKATHON simplicity2 1 0 The next version of SimpliCity CMR-Client 0 5 Jupyter Notebook stl-crime-data 5 3 A repo to scrape and store the crime data from the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Departments website.PHP arch-city-cmr-app 0 3 Expungement app for Arch City DefendersPython housing 3 1 serve up geojson from geometries StlOpenDataEtl 3 6 ETL PIpeline for STL Open Vacancy Project alder-person-info 2 0 API for tracking the votes of St. Louis city aldermen HousingSearch 2 0 scrapers-us-municipal 2 0 Scrapers for US municipal governments. stl-process-vacant-parcels 1 0 This script is used to merge the CSV of Vacant Parcels generated from the STL Vacancy Project and the official City of St. Louis Parcels Shapefile to enable mapping and visualization of the data. pyckan 0 1 Python Module for operating a CKAN data serviceR health-hack-weekend 8 7 Data, resources, & wiki for OpenSTL Health Hack Weekend 1/16/2015-1/19/2015Ruby brigade 1 0 Online hub for Code for America Brigade Members