TypeCastException http://typecastexception.com jatten@typecastexception.comProjects and Examples from my blog 3 0 27 688 484 No Language AzureModelFirstConnection 1 1 Connection String Template for EF Model-First Database ConnectionC# ConsoleApplicationBase 96 37 AspNet-Identity-2-Extending-Users-And-Roles 85 75 AspNetIdentity2GroupPermissions 77 58 AspNet-Identity-2-Extensible-Project-Template 61 30 AspNet-Identity-2-With-Integer-Keys 59 32 AspNetGroupBasedPermissions 57 46 MinimalOwinWebApiSelfHost 46 19 AspNetIdentity2WebApi-RBA 15 16 EmptyWebApiProject 12 8 A complete, but minimal ASP.NET WebApi Project example, ready to be built out. GroupedListControl-Published 12 10 MinimalSelfHostApiClient 12 8 KatanaConsoleExamples 7 8 OutlookDotComSmtp 3 0 Basic Config to Send Mail Using Outlook.Com SMTP Host ConditionalMethodsExample 2 4 An example project referenced in a Blog post about Conditional Compilation in C# iTextToolsExample 1 1 Example project for web log post at: http://typecastexception.com/post/2013/03/09/Splitting-and-Merging-Pdf-Files-in-C-Using-iTextSharp.aspx MinimalApiDemo 1 3 Build-out of a simple example ASP.NET WebApi that excercises all of the basic behaviors of a REST-ful Web Service API ProgressIndicator 1 1 A custom progress indicator employing a rotating circle of disks simiilar to that used by Firefox. MinimalWebApiClientDemo 0 2 A primitive Console App demonstrating basic API Client code. Intended to consume the MinimalApiDemo APIJavaScript AspNetRoleBasedSecurityExample 80 69 A Simple Example Implementation of Role-Based Identity Management in ASP.NET MVC 5 AspNetExtendingIdentityRoles 40 25 AspNetCheckedListExample 8 10 An Example Project Demonstrating a Table with Checkboxes per Row AspNetEmailExample 8 7 JQueryBusyExample 4 14 An Exmple using JQuery to show a busy indicator during a long-running server process