Asynchrony 1 0 159 337 96 No Language ace-stories 1 1 Take in some stories, and spit them out based on the template cheatsheets 1 0 Various cheatsheets for technologies that we use jnuget-docker 1 1 Dockerfile for jnuget ( ) docker-elasticsearch 0 1 AWS aware elasticsearch docker-elasticsearch-curator 0 1 C openbox 2 0 mirror of the openbox repo lager_nt_eventlog 1 1 Windows NT Event Log backend for lagerC# Migrator.NET 1 0 Database migrations for .NET. Based on the idea of Rails ActiveRecord Migrations. MoqFixture 1 1 MoqFixture simplifies the setup of mocks for Moq-driven unit testing of classesC++ Selenium2 2 1 An auto-updated read-only Selenium2 from google code subversion (hourly). Patches should be submitted via google codeDockerfile docker-jenkins-swarm 1 0 nginx-alb-https 1 3 Redirect AWS ALB HTTP requests to HTTPSErlang ocsp_client 4 4 Erlang OCSP client cth_tools 2 0 Generic Common Test hooks tools meck 2 0 A mocking library for Erlang rebar 2 0 A sophisticated build-tool for Erlang projects that follows OTP principles. uuid 2 1 erlang uuid ejabberd 1 0 Robust and scalable Jabber / XMPP Instant Messaging platform eunit 1 0 The EUnit lightweight unit testing framework for Erlang - this is the canonical development repository. gproc 1 0 Extended process registry for Erlang lager 1 0 A logging framework for Erlang/OTP mustache.erl 1 0 Mustache template engine for Erlang. proper 1 0 PropEr: a QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang rabbitmq-erlang-client 1 0 RabbitMQ Erlang AMQP clientHTML spark-ios-sdk 2 0 Java json-schema-validation 2 0 Java implementation of the JSON Schema Validation ( - forked from scumd 1 0 Git hosting in Java WaterBuffalo 1 0 Simplified Selenium wrapper for Java, similar to CapybaraJavaScript qunit 12 1 An easy-to-use JavaScript Unit Testing framework. browserify-aws-sdk 6 0 Browserify transform to require aws-sdk library firsttasteoferlang 2 1 What you should know before you start your next projectObjective-C CareKit 3 0 CareKit is an open source software framework for creating apps that help people better understand and manage their health. ASYTesting 2 0 Convenient iOS testing macros for use with XCTest LocationManager 1 0 Easily get the device's current location on iOS. ResearchKit 1 0 ResearchKit is an open source software framework that makes it easy to create apps for medical research or for other research projects. AFNetworking 0 1 A delightful iOS and OS X networking framework ASYPresenterSupport 0 1 Support for retaining presenters on UIViews in ObjC. UICKeyChainStore 0 1 UICKeyChainStore is a simple wrapper for Keychain on iOS. Makes using Keychain APIs as easy as NSUserDefaults.Ruby elastic-search-installer 12 11 Install elastic search for us image_science 10 6 Variant of ImageScience that does not require RubyInline grape-activerecord 5 1 Library to help deal with AR connection pools and add common db rake tasks for Grape API. custom_rspec_matchers 3 2 custon_rspec_matchers mince_data_model 3 1 recaptcha 3 2 ReCaptcha helpers for ruby apps application_config 2 1 Testable Rails Application Configs c2dm_on_rails 2 1 A Rails API for sending Google Android push notifications chef-openssl-fips 2 4 A Chef cookbook for compiling OpenSSL with FIPS mode enabled activeldap 1 0 ActiveLdap provides an object oriented interface to LDAP. active_scaffold 1 0 apn_on_rails 1 1 Apple Push Notifications on Rails capybara-firebug 1 0 Provides a dead-simple way to run scenarios with Firebug enabled under the selenium driver capybara-screenshot 1 0 Automatically save screen shots when a Cucumber Capybara scenario fails central_logger 1 0 Ruby Mongo DB Logger for Rails - centralized logging for rails apps in MongoDB. Converted to gem, added global exception logging, and added Rails 3 (or 2) support. cinch 1 0 The IRC Bot Building Framework cucumber 1 0 BDD that talks to domain experts first and code second devise 1 0 Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden. homebrew-sonarqube 1 0 Sonarqube 6.1 humanizer 1 0 Very simple captcha with Rails 3 support mongoid 1 0 Ruby ODM framework for MongoDB mongoid-rspec 1 0 RSpec matchers and macros for Mongoid mongoid_taggable 1 1 Mongoid taggable behaviour parallel_tests 1 1 Rails: 2 CPUs = 2x Testing Speed for RSpec, Test::Unit and Cucumber rails 1 0 Ruby on Rails resque-mongo 1 0 DEPRECATED - use instead. resque_spec 1 1 RSpec matcher for Resque rinterface 1 2 Pure Ruby client that can talk (make rpc calls) to an Erlang node ruby-activeldap 1 2 Sync of the ruby-activeldap SVN repository on googlecode Rubymine-Config 1 0 Config for rubymine 3 tire 1 0 A rich Ruby API and DSL for the ElasticSearch search engine/database wago 1 0 The wago app!!!! webrat 1 0 Webrat - Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications mince_model 0 1 Common model behavior for objects backed by MinceShell docker-verdaccio-s3 35 13 Private NPM container that can backup to s3 Switch-Git-User 4 1 Script to quickly switch the git user in the git config dotfiles 3 3 My dotfiles docker-jenkins-s3 2 2 docker-letsencrypt 1 1 GitBan 1 0 Kanban board driven through git conventions. docker-klondike 0 1 Docker container to run a private Klondike nuget repositorySwift Re-Lax 156 16 Recreating Parallax on tvOS spark-ios-sdk-example 1 0 A developer friendly sample implementation of Spark client SDK and showcases all SDK features.VimL vimfiles-erlang-windows 4 1 A vimfiles collection tailored for Erlang development on Windows 7 / Server 2008.