BoochTek, LLC Helping Teams Achieve Their Full Potential - Web Development, Ruby on Rails, Agile Practices. NOTE: Most projects entail private client code. 6 0 60 206 34 No Language checklists 9 1 Checklists to ensure we don't forget things ideation-group 1 0 Small group to work on app ideas php-base 1 1 Base PHP framework presentations 1 0 Presentations that I have given at various venues (or that I'm working on) style_guides 1 0 Style guidelines for coding (mostly Ruby on Rails and related technologies)Cucumber pact_pool 1 0 Pool money with friends to encourage successful completion of a recurring pact HCL server_config 2 0 Automation for building and configuring our serversJavaScript bowling-tdd-kata-javascript 0 1 A kata to practice TDD in JavaScriptPython defaults_plus 2 0 Knock-off of the Mac OS X `defaults` program, but able to manipulate nested dicts dockutil 1 0 command line tool for managing dock itemsRuby activerecord-repository 70 5 Implementation of the repository pattern for ActiveRecord, splitting domain model and persistence classes ruby_preserves 11 1 Minimalist ORM (object-relational mapper) for Ruby, using the Data Mapper pattern. virtus-activerecord 9 1 Use Virtus to define ActiveRecord model attributes. hexagonal-rails 5 1 Experimenting with Rails and Hexagonal Architecture rails-template 5 0 Rails template, including quite a few gems, plugins, and best practices. virtus-perpetuity 3 1 Use Virtus to define attributes for models mapped with Perpetuity activerecord-attribute_declarations 2 0 Specify attributes in ActiveRecord models, and generate migrations when the model code changes. brilliant 2 1 Brilliant programming language (inspired by Ruby and Crystal) number_with_error 2 1 Number with an error range, for example 10.12 +/- 0.02 provisional 2 0 Provisional is a tool to manage and provision server images. cheatsheets 1 2 Various cheatsheets for technologies that we use EasyFollow 1 0 EasyFollow - make it easy to follow someone on multiple social networks includable-activerecord 1 2 Build ActiveRecord models via module inclusion instead of class inheritance. list_for 1 0 Declare list views in a manner similar to SimpleForm, ShowFor, and Formtastic perpetuity-memory 1 0 In-memory adapter for Perpetuity rails-base 1 1 Base Rails application, including several common plugins and other additions; a repository of (some) Rails "best practices" rails-crud_actions 1 0 Standard CRUD actions for Rails controllers, similar to scaffolding. rails-default_views 1 0 If Rails cannot find your view file, have it check a default view directory. aatc2017 0 1 Smaller! - code for Agile Alliance Technical Conference 2017 workshopShell mac_config 65 14 Scripted installation and configuration of Mac OS X apps and preferences sysadmin 2 0 Tools to make GNU/Linux system administration easier bash-higher-order-functions 1 0 Higher order functions for Bash, a la Lisp