Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Our Mission: Improve the Human Condition Through Plant Science 58 0 111 809 351 No Language outreach 5 4 Repository for Outreach Activities at DDPSC 2022_CSTM_R_Data_Visualization_Workshop 0 1 Provides attendees with an introduction to data visualization using ggplot2HTML plantcv-setaria-molplant 1 1 PlantCV image analysis scripts used in Fahlgren N, Feldman M, Gehan MA, Wilson MS, Shyu C, Bryant DW, et al. A Versatile Phenotyping System and Analytics Platform Reveals Diverse Temporal Responses to Water Availability in Setaria. Mol Plant. 2015;8: 1520–1535. plantcv-web 0 2 PlantCV website repositoryJava PhenoFront 1 0 LemnaTec front end.Jupyter Notebook plantcv-workshop 15 14 PlantCV Workshops plantcv-v2-paper 10 1 PlantCV image analysis scripts used in the PlantCV v2.0 paper apps-phenotyping 9 2 The following are scripts and instruction necessary to set up 4 Raspberry Pi Powered Imaging Platforms plantcv-binder 6 5 A repository for interactive PlantCV documentation using Binder phenome2020-workshop 5 2 Phenome 2020 Digital Phenotyping workshop materials plantcv-nappn2021-workshop 4 4 NAPPN 2021 Conference PlantCV virtual workshop materials plantcv-tutorial-v4-VIS-single-plant 4 1 PlantCV Tutorial using release-4.0 for single plant, VIS image (RGB) analysis plantcv-seeds 3 1 Seed phenotyping with PlantCV plantcv-stomata-tutorial 2 2 interactive tutorial for analyzing microscopy images of stomata using PlantCV plantcv-tutorial-germination 2 1 Notebook for performing germination studies using plantCV plantcv-tutorial_leaf_instance_segmentation 2 1 plantcv-tutorial-morphology 2 0 plantcv-tutorial-seeds 2 0 seed workflow tutorial Eveland_NSF_Outreach 1 0 Repository for Outreach Activities plantcv-tasselyzer-tutorial 1 3 plantcv-terra 1 1 PlantCV scripts for analyzing data from the TERRA-REF project plantcv-tutorial-arabidopsis-tray 1 0 Tutorial for analyzing top-down trays of plants with PlantCV plantcv-tutorial-hyperspectral-smf-detection 1 0 plantcv-tutorial-pollen-germination 1 0 plantcv-tutorial-threshold 1 1 Tutorial for understanding Thresholding using PlantCV. plantcv-tutorial-watershed 1 1 watershed tutorial UFMG-PlantCV-Workshop 1 0 26092024_CIAT-PlantCV-Workshop 0 1 PlantCV Workshop Materials for Alliance/CIAT plantcv-stomata-tutorial-pcv4 0 1 Tutorial for analyzing microscopy images of stomata using PlantCV version 4.0 plantcv-tutorial-photosynthesis 0 1 plantcv-tutorial-simple-rgb-workflow 0 1 plantcv-tutorial-template 0 3 A template for new PlantCV tutorial repositories reu 0 1 National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates internship bioinformatics and phenotyping workshop materials workshops 0 1 Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Data Science workshopsNextflow bioinformatics 7 5 The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Bioinformatics Core Facility public repositoryPython plantcv 695 267 Plant phenotyping with image analysis htcondor-tools 3 2 A collection of scripts for building and running HTCondor jobs and workflows plantcv-geospatial 2 1 Geospatial add-on package to PlantCV aws-tools 1 0 Danforth Center tools for working with AWS data-science-tools 1 10 Data Science Tools persistent_homology 1 0 Persistent homology plantcv-annotate 1 0 add-on package for PlantCV annotation tools plantcv-dev-scripts 1 0 Development image analysis scripts plantcv-hyperspectral 1 5 Hyperspectral analysis tools in PlantCVR pcvr 4 0 R functions for use with plantCV output brachypodium-heat-drought-paper 2 0 PlantCV python scripts for image analysis; R scripts for data filtering, organizing, and analysis; shell scripts for SNP calling and population structure estimation; input data files for all analyses diel-explorer 1 1 Gehan Lab shiny app to graph JTK Cycle Output FiReMAGE 1 1 heritable-highCO2-response 1 0 pgwasdbc 1 0 R Package that handles and maintains a connection to GWAS database. plantcvR 1 1 quinoa-pollen-germination 1 0 quinoa-trait 1 0 Gehan Lab Shiny App to Explore Quinoa Phenotype Data syncomBuildR 1 0 Bayesian_Growth 0 1