Ekon Benefits https://ekonbenefits.com opensource@ekonbenefits.com 7 0 27 1,100 147 No Language vscode-harbour 2 1 Syntax Highlighting for Harbour in VS CodeC# impromptu-interface 660 66 Static interface to dynamic implementation (duck casting). Uses the DLR combined with Reflect.Emit. dynamitey 358 44 (pronounced dyna-mighty) flexes DLR muscle to do meta-mazing things in .net dotnetdbf 57 29 This is a basic file parser written in C# for reading and writing xBase DBF files, particularly Clipper. RawPrint 3 1 Send files directly to a Windows printer bypassing the printer driver. gui.cs 1 0 Console-based user interface toolkit for .NET applications. impromptu-interface.mvvm 1 0 MVVM framework for WPF (was WPF & Silverlight) based on Impromptu Interface MVCContrib.FluentHtml 1 0 We still have old projects using the FluentHtml lib, just thought it be useful to have the src. qif 1 1 A utility project for creating and consuming *.qif files. This project complies with documented Quicken Interchange Format (QIF) files specification. It is a completely managed, open source QIF API.F# NachaSharp 10 2 Nacha Format Reader/Writer for .NET FSharp.Interop.NullOptAble 5 0 Missing OptionBuilder for F# filling the void to interop with C#'s ?. usage FSharp.Data.FlatFileMeta 0 1 Base Library of meta components to describe flat filesxBase dbf-schema-track 1 2 Pre-commit program for schema tracking