Ira Hall lab 11 1 34 695 288 No Language sv_paper_042020 4 1 supplementary data for abel et al paper cluster_intro 2 0 Hall Lab Computing 101C speedseq 309 116 A flexible framework for rapid genome analysis and interpretation lumpy-sv 0 1 lumpy: a general probabilistic framework for structural variant discovery soup 0 2 Catch-all for uncategorized or project-specific scripts 🍵C++ fastqtl 5 12 Fork of FastQTL for SVsPython svtools 143 55 Tools for processing and analyzing structural variants. svtyper 124 55 Bayesian genotyper for structural variants gtex 20 8 GTEx analysis scripts long-read-validation 9 3 Long-read validation of BEDPE structural variation 1kg_sv_comparison 4 1 assembly_validation 4 1 extract_sv_reads 4 0 Tool for extracting splitter or discordant reads from a BAM or CRAM file. bamkit 2 6 Tools for common BAM file manipulations cromwell-deployment 2 3 Scripts and configuration to setup a Cromwell deployment cshl_sv_2016 2 0 io 1 0 i/o tools lumpy-merge 1 0 tenx-gcp 1 0 Run 10X Genomics Software in Google Cloud Deployments old-laims 0 1 Shell competitive-alignment 10 2 protocols 2 0 Hall lab analysis protocolswdl sv-pipeline 45 20 Pipeline for structural variation detection in cohorts gatk4-germline-snv-pipeline 1 1 GATK4 pipeline for joint variant calling (SNP/INDELs)