SLU Data Science Seminar openGIS Project chris.prener@slu.eduCreating Publicly Available GIS Data and Tools for the St. Louis Region 7 0 45 118 40 No Language vacancy-data 3 2 Data releases for the Urban Prairies project barriers-data 2 0 Data from the "Streets Not Thru" Project GIS_StLouis_HYDRO_AreaWaterEX 2 0 ESRI Shapefile of River des Peres and the Mississippi River in St. Louis City STL_INFRA_BuildingFootprints 2 0 2014 Building Footprint Data via MSDIS STM_DEMOS_PopChange 0 1 Historic Population Change Data for the St. Louis MSAHTML LeadMappingTutorial 1 0 Introduction to Mapping in R using Reuters' Blood Lead Level Data rladies19 1 0 St. Louis R Ladies tidystl Session (April 2019) STL_CRIME_Belmar 1 0 Replication of Map in Chief Belmar's Plan for City-County Police MergerR postmastr 37 8 R package for Processing and Parsing Untidy Street Addresses tidyseg 13 1 R package with tidy approaches for calculating measures of segregation covid_daily_viz_archive 9 4 Daily tracking of Missouri COVID Data gateway 8 4 R package for working with spatial data from St. Louis stlcsb 8 2 R Package for Processing City of St. Louis Citizens Service Bureau Data compstatr 6 3 R package for working with St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department crime data MO_CRIME_Database 4 0 SQL Database of Municipal Crime UCR Data for Missouri MO_HEALTH_Covid_Tracking 4 4 Data and code for creating daily COVID-19 metrics for Missouri STL_CRIME_Nhood 4 1 Regularly Updated City-wide, Regional, and Neighborhood Crime Data Sets for the City of St. Louis stldata 3 2 R package containg St. Louis related datasets for teaching STL_BOUNDARY_Nhood 2 1 GeoJSON Files for Individual Neighborhoods in St. Louis covid_daily_viz 1 0 STL_BOUNDARY_ZCTA 1 0 Modified Geometries for St. Louis Metro ZCTAs STL_CRIME_Murders 1 0 An Evolving Demonstration of the tidystl Ecosystem STL_CSB_RawRequests 1 0 DEPRECATED - Raw data representing St. Louis Citizens Service Bureau requests STL_DEMOGRAPHY_NhoodChange 1 2 St. Louis neighborhood population changes, 2010 to 2017 STL_DEMOGRAPHY_NhoodPop 1 2 Analysis for the Post Dispatch of Changing Neighborhood Populations in St. Louis, 1940-2017 stl_direct_aid 1 0 STL_GEOCODER_Placename 1 2 A data set of place names and their corresponding coordinates and street addresses covid_daily_viz_archive_2 0 1