The Able Few 2 0 86 58 25 No Language bubble 1 0 A library for transforming data structures into other data structures. Make data portable. seneschal 0 1 Manage workflows and requirements with wisdom and easeCoffeeScript hubot-gtalk 1 0 GTalk adapter for HubotJavaScript grunt-qettlhup 2 1 Automated multiple browser testing for Sauce Labs html2canvas 1 0 Screenshots with JavaScript pow 1 0 Zero-configuration Rack server for Mac OS X tcp.js 1 0 A NodeJS library which proxies TCP connections, used by vnc.js vnc.js 1 0 A JavaScript VNC Client wymeditor 1 0 Standards-compliant XHTML WYSIWYM editor yamok 1 0 Generate JSON files for Qettlhup & TAFTestingRuby things-redmine 15 5 An appscript to sync Redmine and Things gnip-rules 5 6 Add, Remove and List your Gnip Rules cable 2 1 Cable goodyear 2 0 Adds ActiveRecord-like query interface for Tire models HotPotato 2 1 Hot Potato is an open source real-time processing framework written in Ruby. stretchy 2 0 Elasticsearch Models for Rails with an ActiveRecord-like behavior acts_as_taggable_on_forms 1 0 Add easy to integrate forms fields for acts_as_taggable_on awesome_nested_set 1 0 Rails 3 support! An awesome replacement for acts_as_nested_set and better_nested_set. cable_menu 1 0 Cable menu Gem em-http-request 1 0 Asynchronous HTTP Client (EventMachine + Ruby) exception_notification 1 0 Exception Notifier Plugin for Rails formtastic 1 0 A Rails form builder plugin with semantically rich and accessible markup. git-deployment 1 0 Capistrano recipe for a deployment workflow based on git tags gnip-stream 1 1 A library to connect and stream data from the GNIP streaming API jets-pipelines 1 3 rails 1 0 Ruby on Rails rails_admin_clone 1 0 A custom clone action rails_upgrade 1 0 Plugin to run checks on your Rails 2.x/3.x to check for obvious upgrade points on the path to 3.0 redis-rb 1 0 A Ruby client library for Redis redmine_git_hosting 1 0 A ChiliProject/Redmine plugin which makes configuring your own git hosting easy. redmine_s3 1 0 Uses Amazon S3 for storing attachments rugby 1 0 A Ruby IRC bot sortable_element_for_nested_set 1 0 Rails plugin for using sortable_element for trees backed by nested sets tickle 1 0 Natural language parser for recurring events tinymce-rails-imageupload 1 0 Image upload plugin for TinyMCE and Rails with the asset pipeline vestal_versions 1 1 Keep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes capflow 0 1 Deploy with capistrano using gitflow elasticsearch-rails 0 2 exact_target_sdk 0 1 Provides an easy-to-use ruby interface into the ExactTarget SOAP API, using the Savon client. rich 0 1 Rich is an opinionated WYSIWYG editor (based on CKEditor) for Rails with flexible image uploads (using Paperclip).