WWT http://www.wwt.com/ githubcommgrs@wwt.comWorld Wide Technology 0 0 47 273 109 No Language Cisco-Arcus 1 1 Cisco Arcus configuration sqlboiler 1 0 FORK see wiki for details redhat-ansible-sandbox-bad-ansible 0 1 A repository that contains intentionally bad ansible code.C# as-dotnet-string-encoder 2 24 String encoder exercise for interviewing moes-tavern 0 3 Dockerfile building-a-python-sdk 2 0 The goal of this repository is to provide an overview of how to create a Python SDK targeted at a couple of the Cisco product APIs. Yes...there are already SDKs created for these products, but the goal isn't develop a production quality SDK when one already exists, but to provide a guided walk-through to gain hands-on experience using many of the sktill learned.Go guac 55 18 Apache Guacamole client ported to Go go-bigip 1 0 A Go package that interacts with F5 BIG-IP systems using the REST API. go-vcloud-director 1 0 FORK see wiki for detailsJava java-city-data-processor 1 0 JavaScript docker-foundations 6 3 Docker Foundations Hands-On Walkthrough flask-SocketIO 2 1 JS-Contact-Search-Service 1 16 A Code Sample Option for JS Candidates. Reacterviewing 0 6 Jinja ansiblefest2021-molecule-cml-demo 12 3 Repository Containing Code Examples from Comprehensive Network Automation Testing with Molecule and Cisco Modeling Labs session presented at Ansiblefest 2021Jupyter Notebook dcauto-study-resources 4 2 Study Resources for the Cisco DevNet DCAUTO Exam devasc-data-formats 2 0 DevNet Associate Data Encoding Formats Hands-On Study Resources devasc-netconf-intro 1 0 DevNet Associate Introduction to NETCONFKotlin spring-boot-test-oauth2-resource-server 3 1 Nimbleviewing 2 1 Kotlin/Android Interview Template for WWTAS testing-android-datastore 1 0 Sample project showing how to cleanly test code using Android's DataStore. spring-boot-kotlin-testcontainers 0 3 An example project demonstrating the use of Testcontainers with Spring Boot using the Kotlin programming language.Python network-config-scraper 11 3 Automated network configuration backups using Github actions and git-scraping ansible 1 1 Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications — automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems. https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/ awx 1 0 AWX Project curl-requests-foundations 1 0 cURL & Python Requests Foundations Hands-On Walkthrough parking-garage-python 1 1 kubespray 0 1 Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes ClusterShell git-foundations 2 0 Git Foundations Hands-On WalkthroughSmarty pulumi-templates 0 1 Pulumi project templatesSwift SwiftCurrent 118 7 A library for managing complex workflows in Swift SwiftNetworking 3 0 Highly Testable Swift Networking Lib tdd201-apple-platforms 3 0 FlutterIntegrationExample 1 0 testing-async-await 1 0 Examples showing how to test async/await in Swift 5.5 waterlogged 1 0 iOS 14 project to explore static Widget configuration Swifterviewing 0 4 Swift/iOS Interview Template for WWTASTypeScript validated-actions 0 1 A middleware and higher order function to enable validation of actions before they ever reach a reducerVue guac-vue 31 7 simple Vue client to Guacamole