112 Makefile users in St. Louis
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AT&T Community Development has 35 from Makefile repos:
- halcyon-kubernetes (35 ) Ansible playbooks for a kubadm-based kubernetes deployment, on supporting any cloud and any kubeadm-enabled OS.
Feng Qiao has 33 from Makefile repos:
- point_cloud_ros_annotation_tool (33 ) (No description)
Adam Paxton has 20 from Makefile repos:
- titanium-cookies (20 ) Me want cookies. OM NOM NOM.
Colby Chiang has 13 from Makefile repos:
- sandbox (13 ) Primordial soup of short scripts
JackDiSalvatore has 7 from Makefile repos:
- eosio-tokenswap (3 ) (No description)
- eosio-accountmaker (2 ) eosio account creator smart contract
- eosio-tradeaccount (1 ) buy and sell eosio accounts (WIP)
Mingyuan Shen has 3 from Makefile repos:
- Blind-Guiding-Mobile-Robot-Project-based-on-Pioneer3-DX (3 ) It's the senior design project I did in University of Detroit Mercy from 2017 to 2018, based on Pioneer3-DX robot platform with Kinect2, Hokuyo. This project conclude some open-spurce algorithm I found in github contains SLAM-gmapping, pocketsphinx and so on. Thanks for the providers! The robot contain basic mapping and navigation functions, with addtional model in simulation software, voice control and voie feedback, set tarket with coordinate and so on. Finally, thanks for my teamates, Hao Lan, Yuchen Luo, Diwen Miao and Wuxin Shen. I roughly upload the whole workspace and I think you will be clear with how it work if you are already familar with ROS. And if not, maybe it is a good idea for you to check the catkin_ws/src/hunter/lacunh first. And I will add more description in README. I know it is not so clear, if youn need help ,feel free to contact with me, my email is donaldmyshen@outlook.com!
Kevin Olson has 3 from Makefile repos:
- rasberry-pi-zero-ansible (3 ) An Ansible provisioner for Raspberry Pi Zeros
Brian Hicks has 2 from Makefile repos:
- elm-subreddit-theme (2 ) Source for the Elm Subreddit theme
Dustin L. Howett has 2 from Makefile repos:
- stirrup-theos (2 ) Theos Stirrup Module
- Dockerfiles (0 ) (No description)
Douglas Schveninger has 2 from Makefile repos:
- megalinter-plugins (1 ) A set of MegaLinter Plugins to do expanded listing
- dougschveninger (1 ) Information about Doug Schveninger
- buzzwordbingo-go-cli (0 ) Golang CLI of buzzword bingo app
Matt Callaway has 2 from Makefile repos:
- second-brain-template (2 ) This is an attempt to generalize my Second Brain into a template consumable by others.
Eric Todd has 2 from Makefile repos:
- Cpp-Ray-Tracer (2 ) (No description)
- Ray_Tracer_MK3 (0 ) (No description)
Chicago PARK has 1 from Makefile repos:
- Basic_LiDAR_Process (1 ) Lidar, Pointcloud, perception
Martin McGreal has 1 from Makefile repos:
- template-lambda-sam (1 ) Cookiecutter template to create a Lambda function w/a SAM template
- template-terraform-basic (0 ) Basic Terraform template for quick and dirty work
- testproject-ecs (0 ) Nothing but a buld target
Keith Gray has 1 from Makefile repos:
- blog (1 ) (No description)
John Lee has 1 from Makefile repos:
- NiftyPETd (1 ) NiftyPET for Docker or Singularity images
- nvidia-docker (0 ) Build and run Docker containers leveraging NVIDIA GPUs
Nestor Wheelock has 1 from Makefile repos:
- clonos-ports-wip (1 ) ClonOS FreeBSD port
OCI Labs - Object Computing, Inc. has 1 from Makefile repos:
- Google-Marketplace-EOSIO-Testnet (1 ) (No description)
Ahmad Rajeh has 1 from Makefile repos:
- moshakkel (1 ) basic Arabic diacritizer
Jake Stäzrad has 1 from Makefile repos:
- pawductivity (1 ) (No description)
ethanzheng has 1 from Makefile repos:
- minisql (1 ) A DBMS with create table/drop table/select/insert/delete operations.
Aaron Joyce has 0 from Makefile repos:
- Adv360-Pro-ZMK (0 ) Production repository for the all-new Advantage360 Professional using ZMK engine
Abdirahman Ahmed Osman has 0 from Makefile repos:
- arduino (0 ) Arduino projects
Adam Gausmann has 0 from Makefile repos:
- stealth-resource-pack (0 ) An oCd-inspired resource pack, designed to be non-intrusive, simplistic, and symmetric.
Ahmed Belhadj has 0 from Makefile repos:
- eh-wasm-rust (0 ) (No description)
- crowd-coin (0 ) (No description)
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