11 Eagle users in St. Louis
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joe beuckman has 155 from Eagle repos:
- atmega_midi_cv_polysynth (13 ) Multiple pitch + velocity CV outputs via MCP4822
- 808-Handclap (13 ) Eagle layout and Cambam panel for a clone of a famous handclap voice circuit
- 808-Bass-Drum (13 ) (No description)
Christopher Byrd has 1 from Eagle repos:
- Lixie-hardware (1 ) Edge-lit Nixie-like display for Arduino!
Arch Reactor has 0 from Eagle repos:
- Sparki (0 ) Low-Cost Educational Robot
Andrew Simone has 0 from Eagle repos:
- DeltaThrottle (0 ) Delta Throttle .stl and code
Jabari Booker has 0 from Eagle repos:
- Project-Enlighten (0 ) This is code for an RGB origami lamp using an Arduino.
Neil McNeight has 0 from Eagle repos:
- eagle (0 ) (No description)
Rob Bickel has 0 from Eagle repos:
- Mk3-Hardware (0 ) TiLDA Badge Version 3 - Hardware
- LaserSolder (0 ) The laser solderer widget for ChiliPeppr that uses an Arduino to control a laser with an infrared heat sensor and a PID to ensure accurate soldering.
- openThermostat (0 ) An Arduino Based Thermostat that can be used via RF to communicate with different temperature sensors
Thomas Quick has 0 from Eagle repos:
- Original-Prusa-i3 (0 ) Original Prusa i3 MK2 3D printer printed parts
Shawn Renner has 0 from Eagle repos:
- CAN-Bus_Shield (0 ) (No description)
XNAT Workshop 2016 has 0 from Eagle repos:
- Schematron (0 ) (No description)
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