9 Haxe users in St. Louis
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Tim I Hely has 33 from Haxe repos:
Gabriel Hayes has 29 from Haxe repos:
- hxgenpe (8 ) Generate Portable Executable Binaries from Haxe IR/AST
- tink_web4jvm (6 ) POC of tink_web running on Haxe's JVM target
- full-haxe (4 ) The go-to resource for full-stack Haxe web development.
Axol Studio has 10 from Haxe repos:
- hx-crowdcontrol (6 ) A haxe library for Crowd Control (https://crowdcontrol.live/)
- Atlas (2 ) Collaborative Cartography Experiment Project
- AOC2023 (1 ) (No description)
Benjamin Jordan has 6 from Haxe repos:
- HaXe-SOSTrace (3 ) A trace target for the SOS xml socket server compatible with haxe.Log.
- Einstein (2 ) A relativistic physics simulator.
- Hi-ReS-Stats (1 ) Added *working* haXe implementation.
Dane Johnson has 0 from Haxe repos:
- TimeCouchRPG (0 ) New attempt at the TimeCouchRPG, this time in HaxeFlixel. Also doomed to fail due to lack of assets.
Tristan Lassiter has 0 from Haxe repos:
- armorpaint (0 ) 3D PBR Texture Painting Software
Jevion White has 0 from Haxe repos:
- GGJ2016 (0 ) (No description)
Shawn Presser has 0 from Haxe repos:
- haxe-add-swift-target (0 ) adds a swift target to the haxe language.
Ted Green has 0 from Haxe repos:
- csc303-2dplatformer-finalproject (0 ) A 2-D side-scrolling game created as the final project for my video game design class.
- csc-303-platformer-2018 (0 ) (No description)
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