137 PowerShell users in St. Louis
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Brian Dukes has 73 from PowerShell repos:
- PowerShellModules (46 ) A collection of PowerShell modules
- DNN-on-Docker (10 ) A script to build a Docker image for a DNN Platform website
- PowerShell-Profile (9 ) My personal PowerShell profile and custom modules
Dustin L. Howett has 45 from PowerShell repos:
- DirColors (42 ) DirColors is a Powershell implementation of GNU coreutils' dircolors/LS_COLORS support
- winget-pkgs (3 ) The Microsoft community Windows Package Manager manifest repository
Positronic has 38 from PowerShell repos:
- PSImaging (36 ) PowerShell module that provides tools for automating document image management tasks.
- Imaging-Scripts (2 ) (No description)
Alex Power[s] BI has 32 from PowerShell repos:
- Power-BI-Administration (21 ) Recommendations for Power BI Service Administration
- powerbicmdlets (10 ) PowerShell cmdlets for Power BI Administration
- query-docs (1 ) Public source repo that hosts the documentation files for Microsoft BI query languages such as DAX and M language.
Mikey Lombardi (He/Him) has 21 from PowerShell repos:
- PSPrivateGalleryWalkthrough (13 ) A walkthrough of deploying and configuring a PowerShell Private Gallery to Azure via ARM Templates, DSC Configurations, and Visual Studio Team Services Build.
- New-PSService (6 ) Turn any looping .ps1 script into a Windows Service.
- PowerShell-Docs (1 ) The official PowerShell documentation sources
Kit Menke has 12 from PowerShell repos:
- fix-eventid-10016 (12 ) (No description)
Neil Boehm has 12 from PowerShell repos:
- DFSr-Health-Reports (6 ) This script runs a health report for DFSr Replication groups then parses them and reports error and warnings.
- DFSr-Backlog (3 ) Checks backlog counts for every DFS replication group.
- DFSr-FileCounts (3 ) This script uses health reports to count files on both sides of a replication group to insure both sides have the same number of files.
Ben Vierck has 11 from PowerShell repos:
- Psh (11 ) PowerShell Scripts
Michael Greene has 9 from PowerShell repos:
- PesterExample (3 ) PesterExample
- PSDesiredStateConfiguration (1 ) Source for https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/PSDesiredStateConfiguration module
- CloudShell (1 ) Container Image for Azure Cloud Shell (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/features/cloud-shell/)
MaryvilleDev has 7 from PowerShell repos:
- awswindowsuserdata (7 ) Drive Mapping and Script Running for AWS Windows instances
Scott Corio has 5 from PowerShell repos:
- MMSJazz (2 ) MMS Jazz Edition
- Performance-PowerShell (2 ) (No description)
- MMS-MOA-2020 (1 ) Presentation Slides and Sample code for MMS MOA 2020
Josh Buedel has 5 from PowerShell repos:
- project-commands (3 ) A powershell module that allows you to define the common commands for any development project (build, clean, rebuild, test, etc) and issues them from any folder in the project hierarchy.
- dotfiles (1 ) My personal powershell configuration, for each machine.
- posh-josh (1 ) Custom powershell module with my own useful commands.
Nestor Wheelock has 5 from PowerShell repos:
- ExeRunnerPro-475-2151_Bush_Garbutt_Reynolds (2 ) This tool will gather a list on a Windows machine of what programs were run and when they were ran.
- restic-windows-backup (1 ) Powershell scripts to run Restic backups on Windows
- PowerSploit (1 ) PowerSploit - A PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework
Nick Semenkovich has 5 from PowerShell repos:
- aldine-powershell-computer-config (5 ) Intune-deployed Powershell configuration for Azure Active Directory-joined machines with OneDrive folder redirection.
St. Louis PowerShell User Group has 5 from PowerShell repos:
- stlpsug (5 ) St. Louis PowerShell User Group Main Repository
Brian Marsh has 4 from PowerShell repos:
- PSYaml (3 ) A Powershell module to convert YAML documents to and from PowerShell objects
- vmware_coreos (1 ) Deploying CoreOS via PowerShell (with PowerCLI)
- PowerCLI-Example-Scripts (0 ) (No description)
R. Davis has 4 from PowerShell repos:
- NetScaler-ADC-Config-Pull (2 ) Retrieves the list of managed NetScaler ADC instances and their ns.conf configuration files via ADM API Proxy.
- ADM-Service (2 ) (No description)
- CTX277615 (0 ) GUI interface to conduct Get, Delete, Put operations of httpd.conf via ADM API Proxy
Matthew Straub has 3 from PowerShell repos:
- Windows-Troubleshooting-Collector (2 ) Over the last few years, my brother has been experiencing various computer issues across multiple systems. I developed a PowerShell script to run common health and integrity checks on a Windows PC and output various logs to a centralized folder for easy troubleshooting and diagnostics.
- Rename-Automation (1 ) This script will inspect a designated directory for files (Movies / TV Shows) that are formatting properly for Synology's Video Station, if any files are found which are NOT formatted properly the script will prompt the user if you'd like to rename them.
Jacob Petrie has 3 from PowerShell repos:
- TaskCMD (3 ) A PowerShell script to make a Task Manager like view of CPU usage (built for when you are in a PowerShell Remote Session)
- Random-Scripts (0 ) Random scripts I've made. Some useful, some not.
- Security-Audit-Tool (0 ) A PowerShell module for auditing various technologies for security purposes
aRustyDev has 2 from PowerShell repos:
- SysAdmin-Scripts (2 ) Scripts used for Enterprise Network/Computer Enumeration, Systems Management, & Other LazyAdmin Scripts
Bradley Herbst has 2 from PowerShell repos:
- LenelS2-NetBox (2 ) PowerShell Module for Working with the Lenel S2 Netbox API
- StaffCalendar (0 ) A module for creating a staff calendar spreadsheet for a given year with a specified list of users and or work hours.
- ComputerDescription (0 ) This module retrieves information from Windows computers and replaces its AD object's description with the data obtained from the module.
Eric Neunaber has 2 from PowerShell repos:
- WindowsDevBoxSetupScript (2 ) A PowerShell script that leverages Winget to install some common applications used for application development on a Windows machine.
- Chocolatey-Setup-DevBox (0 ) An Powershell install script using Chocolatey to setup a DevBox
Jacob Petrie has 2 from PowerShell repos:
- TaskCMD (2 ) A PowerShell script to make a Task Manager like view of CPU usage (built for when you are in a PowerShell Remote Session)
- NetAdapterLinux (0 ) A PowerShell Core Module for Linux that mirrors the NetAdapter module on Powershell Core for Windows
- Bible (0 ) A simple command line Bible app
PCF Development Team has 2 from PowerShell repos:
- i2b2-Windows-Installer (2 ) Automated installer for i2b2 in windows environment
- ChocolateyPackages (0 ) Repo to hold packages published to Chocolatey Package Manager
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