
66 Assembly users in St. Louis

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Jeff Heaton has 196 from Assembly repos:
  • present (184 ) Code from Jeff Heaton's YouTube videos, articles, and conference presentations.
  • apollo64 (12 ) ˜Apollo64 BBS: This is an old Commodore 64 based BBS that I created on back in the late 80's. Basic/6510 assembler.
Justin Wash has 20 from Assembly repos:
Chris Aubuchon has 8 from Assembly repos:
  • BT3-DOS-patch (8 ) (No description)
  • Assembly-Lib (0 ) A 16-bits x86 DOS Assembly library that provides many useful functions for developing programs. It has both VGA grapics functions as well as general purpose utilities. The main purpose of this library was to be able to implement simple DOS games (in Assembly) using VGA (320x200, 256 colors) display.
Jonah has 3 from Assembly repos:
  • omega (3 ) A stupid little operating system
Sourindu Chatterjee has 2 from Assembly repos:
  • Efficint_MIPS_assembly (1 ) An assembly and mem/MIF based implementation of 5 stage MIPS architecture in hardware using logisim and software validation using PCSPIM
  • ParametricEqualizer_TI-DSP (1 ) An embedded c based implementation of second order IIR filter in designing a parametric equalizer
turtleisaac has 2 from Assembly repos:
  • iNTRaction (2 ) Nintendo DS Action Replay Code Compiler/Decompiler
Abdirahman Ahmed Osman has 1 from Assembly repos:
Alex Holehouse has 1 from Assembly repos:
  • gromacs (1 ) Public/backup repository of the gromacs molecular simulation toolkit
Dustin Specker has 1 from Assembly repos:
  • os (1 ) (No description)
Greg Baker has 1 from Assembly repos:
  • 8086tiny (1 ) Official repository for 8086tiny: a tiny PC emulator/virtual machine
Mashroor Rashid has 1 from Assembly repos:
Neil McNeight has 1 from Assembly repos:
  • x64lab (1 ) Automatically exported from
  • Mini11 (0 ) A 68HC11 SBC for the 68HC11A CPUs
  • itsy-forth (0 ) MacOS port of Linux port of itsy forth by John Metcalf
Matthew Niemer has 1 from Assembly repos:
  • Kanye-Zone (1 ) Final version of game wrriten in assembly for EECS 205: Computer Systems Software
Alvin Alaphat has 0 from Assembly repos:
VISWA ANOOP NERELLA has 0 from Assembly repos:
  • Apollo-11 (0 ) Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules.
David Maness has 0 from Assembly repos:
  • pokeRedTest (0 ) Just messing around with Pokemon Reds source code. Thanks pret
BrooksPoltl has 0 from Assembly repos:
Chris Yunker has 0 from Assembly repos:
  • blog_code (0 ) Example code for blog
Claire Huo has 0 from Assembly repos:
Conan has 0 from Assembly repos:
  • Quines (0 ) Some basic Quines which generates some basic Quines in C, Assembly and Python
  • C_lib_ASSEMBLY (0 ) An implementation of a range of standard C functions in Assembly code
DawsonPloudre has 0 from Assembly repos:
Dominic Bottom has 0 from Assembly repos:
  • polishedcrystal (0 ) An upgrade to Pokémon Crystal. Brings features and content up to date, and adds some original content.
Jack Fox has 0 from Assembly repos:
  • demo (0 ) (No description)
Geoffrey Gallaway has 0 from Assembly repos:
  • hello (0 ) Hello World, ten times in a loop
Grant Duchars has 0 from Assembly repos:
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