100 Groovy users in St. Louis
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Jeff Geerling has 842 from Groovy repos:
- ansible-role-jenkins (842 ) Ansible Role - Jenkins CI
Ken Sipe has 71 from Groovy repos:
- spock-demos-nfjs (26 ) Demos used for NFJS presentations on Spock
- spock-javaone2014 (17 ) code and demos for javaone 2014
- jmx-grails-plugin (7 ) Add JMX support to Grails
Jeff Scott Brown has 47 from Groovy repos:
- groovy-datomic (10 ) (No description)
- groovy-midi (8 ) (No description)
- groovy-measures (6 ) Experimental project adding measures support to Groovy.
Ben Klein has 24 from Groovy repos:
- rizzo (24 ) A static site generator, written in Groovy.
- elliotquotes (0 ) The source for elliotquotes.com.
AT&T Community Development has 19 from Groovy repos:
- cicd (17 ) continuous integration and continuous delivery
- jenkins-ci (2 ) Repository that will hold scripts that will build pipelines for OpenStack-Helm CI
Puneet Behl has 17 from Groovy repos:
- grails-jasper (5 ) This plugin allows you to integrate reports Jasperreports into your Grails application.
- build-test-data (2 ) (No description)
- helloDSL (2 ) Building DSL using Groovy Examples
James Carr has 16 from Groovy repos:
- h2-gradle-plugin (12 ) Gradle plugin to run an embedded h2 server
- gradle-scripts (1 ) (No description)
- grails-rabbitmq (1 ) Grails RabbitMQ Plugin
Ray Myers has 11 from Groovy repos:
- haml4grails (6 ) Haml plugin for Grails, based on JHaml
- ratpack-plugin (2 ) The Ratpack Gradle plugin
- cadrlife (1 ) Ray Myers personal homepage.
Tom Hermann has 5 from Groovy repos:
- gradle-scripts (3 ) (No description)
- com.zombietank.email.velocity (1 ) A way to send templated e-mails using com.zombietank.email formatted with Apache Velocity
- selenium-bootstrap (1 ) Gradled selenium starter project, for quick experiments and such.
Eric Danker has 4 from Groovy repos:
- sectest (1 ) Grails Security Plugin Test Project
- html5database (1 ) HTML5 Database POC
- gigbot (1 ) Search Craigslist RSS feeds, returning only the gigs that match the keywords provided.
Alex Miller has 4 from Groovy repos:
- gpars-examples (4 ) Groovy GPars examples from talk March 2010
Zachary Klein has 4 from Groovy repos:
- grails-isomorphic (2 ) Grails Isomorphic Rendering Plugin
- micronaut-distributed-tracing (1 ) Demo application
- tekdays (1 ) Social networking & event planning system for developers
Dave Klein has 2 from Groovy repos:
- grails-samples (1 ) (No description)
- Hello-Groovy (1 ) Code samples from Dave Klein's Hello! Groovy session
- neo4jsample (0 ) Sample application for the neo4j grails plugin
Tristan Blease has 2 from Groovy repos:
- docker-registry-ui (2 ) A web frontend/UI for easy private/local Docker Registry integration
Tim Vollmer has 2 from Groovy repos:
- grails-spring-security-ui (1 ) (No description)
- Foo (1 ) (No description)
- bash (0 ) (No description)
Chris Vogel has 1 from Groovy repos:
- kube-dashboard (1 ) (No description)
Christopher Richmond has 1 from Groovy repos:
- testit (1 ) A test framework that works with Jenkins/CPS
Gary Kupferle has 1 from Groovy repos:
- WorldsGreatestTDD_JBrains (1 ) Exercises for J.B. Rainsberge's "Worlds Best Intro to TDD"
- gradle-release (0 ) gradle-release is a plugin for providing a Maven-like release process for projects using Gradle
Nestor Wheelock has 1 from Groovy repos:
- SmartThingsPublic (1 ) (No description)
1904labs has 0 from Groovy repos:
- nifi-calculate-crc32 (0 ) A short groovy script to generate a CRC32 hash for an eventId attribute
Adam Boyher has 0 from Groovy repos:
- nextflow (0 ) A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines
Brian Wahoff has 0 from Groovy repos:
- SmartThingsPublic (0 ) SmartThings open-source DeviceTypeHandlers and SmartApps code
Alan Juden has 0 from Groovy repos:
- Garadget (0 ) Garadget (Connect) - SmartThings to Garadget Integration
- SmartThingsPublic-TheHomeRemote (0 ) SmartThingsPublic new repo with smartapps and devicetypes from SmartThings using the new folder structure.
- SmartThingsPublic (0 ) SmartThings open-source DeviceTypeHandlers and SmartApps code
Jonathan has 0 from Groovy repos:
- SmartThingsPublic (0 ) SmartThings open-source DeviceTypeHandlers and SmartApps code
Brian Thompson has 0 from Groovy repos:
- gradle (0 ) Adaptable, fast automation for all
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